Warning Improvements by Xon

Warning Improvements by Xon 2.9.5

No permission to download
I've also checked template modification. It's look like:
And browser debug shows:
core-compiled.js?_v=fbc98fb3:349 Tabs and panes contain different totals: 5 tabs, 6 panes

core-compiled.js?_v=fbc98fb3:349 Tabs: w.fn.init(5) [a.tabs-tab.is-active, a#latest-activity.tabs-tab, a#recent-content.tabs-tab, a#about.tabs-tab, a#warnings.tabs-tab, prevObject: w.fn.init(1)]0: a.tabs-tab.is-active1: a#latest-activity.tabs-tab2: a#recent-content.tabs-tab3: a#about.tabs-tab4: a#warnings.tabs-tablength: 5prevObject: w.fn.init [h2.block-tabHeader.block-tabHeader--memberTabs.tabs.hScroller]__proto__: Object(0), Panes: w.fn.init(6) [li#profile-posts.is-active, li, li, li, li, li, prevObject: w.fn.init(1)]
@Xon, have you considered implementing a fix for this "design issue" pointed out by @Mr Lucky ?

We added some phrasing to banned members view so they know they can contact via contact form for details, however I think a lot of members do not do that and a lot of members who are banned are thinking the disciplinary action on their account has no reasoning which can make punishment ineffective.

Ideally the warning convo would push an email before the ban is effective so the member receives the info by email as to why they were banned.

Alternatively I suppose banned members could be allowed to read convos from moderators and admin but not reply to them, though I imagine that's more complicated.
After installing verify the added moderation permissions are as expected. That is about it
I think I am missing something obvious, but if I add a forum moderator and give them permission "give warning on posts" shouldn't that allow a warning to be issued? Do they have to be part of the moderator user group? With only the permission we are seeing "oops ran into a problem". The button to warn is under the post but it will not process. Warning Improvements 2.2.15
Make sure they are in a group which can access warnings (defaults is for registered users, so changing the primary usergroup causes issues) via the warning category stuff
Make sure they are in a group which can access warnings (defaults is for registered users, so changing the primary usergroup causes issues) via the warning category stuff
Primary user group is 'registered'. Not sure why the warn option shows but won't process and results in an error.
Does is still happen if you disable this add-on? If so, please check the warning category for what groups are permitted to touch warnings and what groups those forum members have
Is it possible do not enable "Send warning conversations by default" if default conversation are not preset to the warning? If conversation title and body was empty xf1 just ignored this checkbox and show no erros. Now mods should disable checkbox in all warning without presets or they get an error.
Does is still happen if you disable this add-on? If so, please check the warning category for what groups are permitted to touch warnings and what groups those forum members have
When I disable the addon the warnings work ok. I put the addon back on and no.
I got special notices to banned users with X active warnings points. So in notice I checked only:
But notice is not show to user. Couldn't understand where is my mistake. Please help.
Can this alert other moderators when a warning is given? Ex:

"JohnB has issued a warning to ChrisM for Inappropriate Content"

Linking to it?

If not I'd like to suggest thanks!

We utilize the add-on functionality of creating new posts in a specific forum for any warnings given

Each warning generates it's own post

And within each post you have a link to the warned post, as well as the user profile


It doesn't notify the moderators of the effected forum, but it does provide the link you are asking for. Perhaps have the mods subscribe to the warnings forum if they aren't checking on a regular basis?

The only improvement I can think of is to edit the template for the titling to include which forum it occurred in if that matters to you. We have 40 sub-forums with roughly 100 staff, but we don't include the forum in the title here (we do on Reported Posts, because they need to know to investigate reports in their forum). In general, any staff can peruse the Warnings forum to know what's happened lately.
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