vB 3.x - Fluid & Fixed

vB 3.x - Fluid & Fixed 1.4.4

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Thank you for this style, it has helped my users who liked the look of VB3 when I was using it.

One question I have, it seems that in the sidebar there is a border around the users onliine, stats, etc. when viewing "new posts" but such border does not appear in forum_list, or forum_view. I would like to make the border go away in the "new posts" so it will match the other views. I use the widget framework to display the sidebar on the new posts page as well as forum_view page.

I have attached screenshots to illustrate. The first image is when viewing "new posts" that has the border that I want removed.


The next one below is how it looks on forum_list, and forum_view and the way I want "new posts" to look:


Thanks for your help!
On the forum listing, nodetitles are always bold -- whether or not there are unread threads. I suspect it's an easy css fix. Any tips?
In case anyone's interested: When upgrading to vb 1.5.12, the message area became broken (post appeared below avatar). To fix I narrowed it down to this.

In extra.css FIND:

.messageList .messageUserInfo {width:180px !important; margin:0 15px 0 0 !important; padding:0 15px 0 0 !important; border-right:1px solid #d1d1e1 !important;}

REMOVE this bit:
width:180px !important;

It skinnys up the messageUserInfo block, but at least the post doesn't wrap around any longer :)
Thank you so much for making this style; adding it as an option on my forum has helped immensely with my transition from vB3 to XF.

I'd love for this style (or one like it) to be updated to work with XenForo 2.x. I want to upgrade to XF 2.0 when (or soon after) it's released, but several of my long-time/most active/most informative members are pretty adamant about keeping the vB3 look available.
a "rust" color version i made if anyone would like. after you install this style, replace the "extra.css" template with this:


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