Threadloom Search for XenForo 2.x [Deleted]

The addon helps in the syncing of data, as well as implementing the templates required for Search - example of a major template update. When we perform infrastructure updates, that is done without a plugin update required (example), where the algorithms run, etc.
The addon helps in the syncing of data, as well as implementing the templates required for Search - example of a major template update. When we perform infrastructure updates, that is done without a plugin update required (example), where the algorithms run, etc.
How much bandwidth does the syncing take up? How often does it sync?
Our addon checks server resources not to overwhelm the environment, along with checking to see if there are new posts since the last sync. Each sync is random but uses a few kb. I'm happy to look specifically at yours to give you a better idea if you'd like to file a ticket.
After extensive testing and deactivating all add-ons the problem remains. Some members searches are not autocomplete/autofill and search fails
Thank you for updating the forum post - I've tested the original ticket file requirements and it seems to no longer be an issue. However, there are other issues I've noticed on your server-side that I'll follow up on the ticket.
@threadloom with 2.1.3 seems I am getting this error with invalid address for javascript + I am unable to disable threadloom addon from addon list (trying to do so just comes back after processing with threadloom enabled and not striked out) ?

@threadloom with 2.1.3 seems I am getting this error with invalid address for javascript + I am unable to disable threadloom addon from addon list (trying to do so just comes back after processing with threadloom enabled and not striked out) ?

View attachment 228059
Are you trying behind htaccess by chance or a custom server environment?
I've just tried on our test centminmod setup, as well as php7.2+ that is not htaccess without issues.
Are you trying behind htaccess by chance or a custom server environment?
I've just tried on our test centminmod setup, as well as php7.2+ that is not htaccess without issues.
but would that even prevent threadloom from disabling the addon ? are broken links capable of preventing threadloom from being disabled as an addon in xf 2.1 admin ? Evem with your cdn domain whitelisted, I am unable to disable threadloom addon.

I found the cause of the broken links. I am using Cloudflare Gateway For Team's DNS servers with for my VPN and it seems Cloudflare Gateway blocked your cdn link and incorrectly classified it as spam ! Will report the false classification to Cloudflare Gateway team :)


I'll specifically whitelist it in Cloudflare Gateway for now

ok checked my php-fpm error log and I see the following

[23-Jun-2020 08:29:14 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in public/src/addons/Threadloom/Search/Helper/Encoding.php on line 196
[23-Jun-2020 08:29:14 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in public/src/addons/Threadloom/Search/Helper/Encoding.php on line 198
[23-Jun-2020 08:29:14 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in public/src/addons/Threadloom/Search/Helper/Encoding.php on line 199
[23-Jun-2020 08:29:14 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in public/src/addons/Threadloom/Search/Helper/Encoding.php on line 200

using XF 2.1 latest with just recently updated PHP 7.4.7 previous same issue was with PHP 7.2.31

i can however enable/disable the addon via command line
php cmd.php xf-addon:enable Threadloom/Search       
Please confirm that you want to enable the following add-on: (Threadloom 2.1.3) (y/n)y

Running clean up tasks...
php cmd.php xf-addon:disable Threadloom/Search
Please confirm that you want to disable the following add-on: (Threadloom 2.1.3) (y/n)y

Running clean up tasks...
Last edited:
Thanks for the added information @eva2000 - I will share that with our engineering team.
I will run a few more tests on our test site - and will try the PHP versions specifically you mentioned.

Thanks for the heads up on CloudFlare, we don't use them for our VPN, so would be a difficult one to figure out without your insight.
alright. so what's the catch here. hehe. my first attempt at this service few years ago on 1.x was not very successful so i disabled the addon and forgot about it. today i landed on this thread because it was in new posts and decided to try it again. and it has been working pretty well for me at the moment.

the question is... why are there not many users of this addon here. this seems to solve a major issue for most forums especially the ones running without enhanced search!

also of course, they are offering this service for free to forums with less than 10 million posts. that basically means 99% of forums out there. what's the business model?
alright. so what's the catch here. hehe. my first attempt at this service few years ago on 1.x was not very successful so i disabled the addon and forgot about it. today i landed on this thread because it was in new posts and decided to try it again. and it has been working pretty well for me at the moment.

the question is... why are there not many users of this addon here. this seems to solve a major issue for most forums especially the ones running without enhanced search!

also of course, they are offering this service for free to forums with less than 10 million posts. that basically means 99% of forums out there. what's the business model?
Thanks for the kind words. We really like our Search product as well. If you'd like, we always appreciate a review.

Search was our first product back in 2015. We initially charged more for it, but smaller forums had trouble seeing the business case for spending money on Search. Our second product, Newsletter, became our main revenue source, and we were able to subsidize Search to make it easier for smaller forums to use it. We still support both Search and Newsletter, but between the two, most of our development resources go toward Newsletter.

We also just posted a blog post about a product we are excited about an experiment Product Stories that gave us insight into surfacing a community's content.
thanks for the response. (have an unresolved bug report with your support team not that this is the place to discuss that)
Your bug report was updated and corrected on Friday, thank you for your patience.

As well as the issue with the last page of results. These updates were completed on our end, no need for an update to the plugin.

Planned minimum requirements for PHP 7.x coming for the plugin.
Has there been any update on this issue? We have thousands of these in our error_log:

[15-Aug-2020 22:21:45 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/xxx/public_html/src/addons/Threadloom/Search/Helper/Encoding.php on line 200

This happens on PHP 7.4.9, but seems to have happened on 7.3.x, too.
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