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Themesinc.com - New Styles now available!


Well-known member
Hi Everyone,

Just letting you know that finally me and Pank have managed to complete our first two skins using our custom XenoMorph Framework.

The framework is a Super Charged Style with hundreds of options to enhance xenforo style, that are available to all of our skins.

In case you are wondering about the Framework I have posted several screencasts here: http://themesinc.com/community/forums/xenomorph-framework/

Here are couple of screen shots of the skins that will link you directly to live demonstrations.

Please feel free to explore them and test them as we have spends countless of hours customising every possible aspect of XenForo :)



Are the Skins Free?

No, Sorry.
Our styles are commercial only.
(Thank you Kier for allow me to post here)

Is the Framework included?

Yes all of our skins are working with the framework.
You can even use the framework by it self with the default XenForo Style!

Where can I buy the Styles?

You can purchase our style on: http://themesinc.com

Is a Light colour Skin available or coming out soon?

It's not available yet, but rest assured that it is coming (more than one)
We decided to make two fairly dark skin to start with simply because we both wanted to learn the inside and outs of XenForo style system, and making a dark skin is the best way to do that :)

Hope you like it!

Take care,
These are really nice! Keep up the good work. If you guys ever make a skin with orange being the dominant color, give me a shout. ;)
The framework itself it revolutionary :) Loved what you did with the themes. Will there be an option to purchase the framework itself using for other themes?
This is great, i'm a old fan of Miko skins (vbstyles) and i like the new Xenfracture! OT: Miko please read my pm. Is very important.

I don't understand if with the Framework we can create multiple versions of the skin purchased (i see that with framework you can change heavily the look/architecture of a skin)...if we can the price imho is just ridicolous for the very high value of the framework.
I just saw the price tag and got a bit discouraged. Don't get me wrong, the skin is worth the $45 but a little out of reach for someone like me who just spent $140 on xF.
I just saw the price tag and got a bit discouraged. Don't get me wrong, the skin is worth the $45 but a little out of reach for someone like me who just spent $140 on xF.

A normal premium skin cost $25/30 dollars (that is the average cost). Paying 15/20 dollars extra for a skin with a builtin Framework that can save you hours on skin customization.

Or 15/20 dollars extra for the framework - dozen of dollars saved for a custom skin.
I started my first website only a few months ago so I'm new to all this. Not quite sure exactly what a "super charged framework" is. I'm the idea man, my technical knowledge is limited. Exactly what is this "framework" and what are the benefits of it?
The framework itself it revolutionary :) Loved what you did with the themes. Will there be an option to purchase the framework itself using for other themes?

We are considering it but for a future date.

I started my first website only a few months ago so I'm new to all this. Not quite sure exactly what a "super charged framework" is. I'm the idea man, my technical knowledge is limited. Exactly what is this "framework" and what are the benefits of it?

I have posted a few videos here that should give you an idea of what you can do with the framework http://themesinc.com/community/forums/xenomorph-framework/

There are over 200 options included in the framework.

i lookforward for a light skin of xenfracture.

Thank you for the purchase :)
That Framework is worth it all. You and Bob have done amazing work.
Finally some well developed Styles that use the XenForo system properly.
Big supporter of Miko, and Pank's work previously, so it was a no brainer to jump on board and pick up a decent style to play with.
Can't wait to start customizing it, and playing with it later today!
Considering how long these guys have been working on the framework and these styles I think the price tag suits it just fine. Excellent work, dark skins are always the biggest challenge in my eyes so kudos for the great looking styles. Looking forward to seeing more custom work!
Hi there just bought the xenfracture love it ;)could i ask for a logo to be made for my site Ps3 Modderz
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