Thanks KAM for the free license extension!

Thank you from me too, I saw this today when I went to renew...

XenForo (
Purchased: Oct 5, 2010 Support/updates end: Nov 22, 2013
Bit disappointing that those who supported XF by purchasing a second (unneeded) license rather than renewing have missed out... but good for those who get the extension, I guess.
Thank you KAM for the extension too. :) Even if I don't get extension, I would definitely renew my licenses to support KAM. :)
Sale is there righ now and bang on GMT time :) as stated!

Just bought my first licence for Xenforo so bye bye VBulletin after 4 years of usage and community building I am moving to Xenforo :)!

Thanks for the discount now to import my VBulletin and get moving!
I was going to renew both my licenses to provide some support to the team, but they beat me to it renewing one of them. I will just have to buy a new license now. That'll show them :D

On a serious note, I don't see this as a "nice touch" or some other words I've seen in the forum - these comments are welcome obviously but What I see is pure professionalism from the team. No, they didn't HAVE to do it (and think about how many times you've seen something like this), but yes they did it, and the way they did it shows me not only they care for their customers, but something I value a great deal, their professionalism.

I'm expecting great things in the future.
And you imply it was their fault? Did they ask to be sued?
Kier specifically has a very particular way of handling stuff. I actually like it. It takes a ton of discipline to limit one's talk, to not make promises, and to not build software moment to moment. The Roman stoics would have been proud to count him among their number.

However, as a client, being in limbo isn't in my interest. Being in the dark, having no clue what's going on, etc. That hurts my ability to plan, that introduces a ton of uncertainty into my forum project.

As much as I dislike Internet Brands, I have a commitment to my users and donors of 8+ years to do my best to run our community responsibly. I can't do that if I don't know what the status of my platform is.

And some users have a lot of work to do to rebuild goodwill and credibility with KAM. Just saying.
I have no idea what this means. I've sold many copies of this software for them, only to look like an idiot when they go dark and stop updating the software.

The choice to support XF was mine. The shame and embarrassment was mine. What they do, is a lot more important than what they say. Kier knows this. I am expecting good things. But, I will no longer take delivery for granted. YMMV
You did understand that the limbo problem was the result of the lawsuit. I suspect the attorneys told XF's team to shut up until the case was resolved. Anything said in a public forum could come back to bite them. A settlement may preclude coding in a certain way -- we don't know -- which meant they had to hold off updating XenForo until its future could be assured.

Considering the unpredictability of lawsuits, how would you have reacted under the same conditions? Speak out of turn? Ignore the advice from the lawyers hired to defend the company?
Well, it was very clear they were holding off commenting or updating the software until the case was resolved. Nothing to speculate about there. The rest can be gleaned from that behavior, and how things were handled after the case was settled. I expect the closest thing to specifics about the case came from the statement from the attorneys. Time to move on.
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