[TH] Auto Merge Double Posts [Deleted]

Well, I did even better :D

I didn't want to give up on security so instead of deleting hashes.json I re-hashed my edited Thread.php and changed the hash code inside the file.

Now the notice it's gone while the whole file checking system is still safe!


So I want to share this modification with anyone who doesn't want to add the BB code block, but would like the merged posts to be separated by an empty text row.

Just extract the attached ZIP file in your XenForo main folder, or copy both files manually inside the respective folders. Make sure you rename your original files first, for backup purpose.

Hope this could be also useful to devs, so maybe these files can be added on next update :)

Again thank you Matt and Lukas for your time and help 🙏


There's no need to replace it for now, and I doubt there will be in the foreseeable future. The add-on has survived two major version upgrades without requiring any fixes and was left in a good state. The source code has been made available for free on GitHub.
Hm, I think we need to tweak the instructions on the open source repos - they say to download a release but we haven't uploaded any. The repos contain the raw source files so won't import things like options, templates, permissions etc unless you're in development mode, you'd need to install them in development mode via the CLI and then build a release to put it on a production forum.
To someone already using this addon, What/where are the addon configs I can configure aside from this 3 I found?
  1. Add-on options
  2. Add-on UserGroup Permission
  3. Add-on Style Property
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