Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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A public note. Needed to communicate with @Code Monkey outside of the thread due to some server information that I needed to troubleshoot. Normally I don't accept PMs, but this was a special case. I think we've figured out the problem and it's not pertaining to this addon.

Wanted to keep other users in the loop to know that Steam Authentication is working as intended.


As a side note. I will be traveling for about 5 or 6 days starting this weekend. So, if do not respond to support requests during that time-frame, that would be why. I should return Wednesday or Thursday.
I love this addon! Awesome and thanks for the great addon!

I was wondering if there can be a feature added to the addon. Which in the profile, can show their games and with their amount of hours that they played.

Would love to see this.
A public note. Needed to communicate with @Code Monkey outside of the thread due to some server information that I needed to troubleshoot. Normally I don't accept PMs, but this was a special case. I think we've figured out the problem and it's not pertaining to this addon.

Yep all is good with the app. I am recovering from a hardware failure and something got corrupted. Good support as always.
Hi there, I did a stupid mistake related to the Style, however which ment I added a new style after the plugin, and now no matter what I do, can I not make the Steam icon display in the postbit, it displays fine in the corner of the post, but the postbit is kinda a "Nuh UH" and no matter what I do can I not make it show up

could you please tell me what it is I'm missing from my Styles?

// Love Nyx <3
Question with the Steam Intergration, template: steam_profile_member how can I change the hook to where it is displayed? I want it to be the last thing at the bottom.

I love this addon! Awesome and thanks for the great addon!

I was wondering if there can be a feature added to the addon. Which in the profile, can show their games and with their amount of hours that they played.

Would love to see this.

It would be possible with additional queries. I'll have to think about adding that option, but I have a few other ideas that go along with this one. So we'll see how things pan out.

Hi there, I did a stupid mistake related to the Style, however which ment I added a new style after the plugin, and now no matter what I do, can I not make the Steam icon display in the postbit, it displays fine in the corner of the post, but the postbit is kinda a "Nuh UH" and no matter what I do can I not make it show up

could you please tell me what it is I'm missing from my Styles?

// Love Nyx <3

Just include this code in your styles if you are doing custom edits:

<xen:include template="steam_profile_message_info" />

Question with the Steam Intergration, template: steam_profile_member how can I change the hook to where it is displayed? I want it to be the last thing at the bottom.

View attachment 104103

It must be something with your template or addons adding that additional post information in. On stock it should look like this:

If you want it at the very bottom, I suggest disabling message_user_info in Steam Auth for now and adding

<xen:include template="steam_profile_message_info" />



In your message_user_info template. I think that -should- put it in the right spot, but don't quote me on it. I'm not sure how your template is coded so change at your own risk and such. Normally I wouldn't suggest doing template edits, I want to avoid them when possible, but it looks like you're a special case.

I'm not sure how easy this would be, but would it be possible to add a way to get a user's profile by their Steam ID?

Right now XenForo allows for, but looking up a user by Steam ID would be beneficial.

If it is possible, it would be less efficient than the normal method because it'd more than likely require additional queries. I'd need to muck about the Route Prefix for XenForo's members page. So not sure I'd put that high on my list of things to add. What benefits would a feature like this add?

It would help me understand if I knew the context of what you need this particular feature for.
If it is possible, it would be less efficient than the normal method because it'd more than likely require additional queries. I'd need to muck about the Route Prefix for XenForo's members page. So not sure I'd put that high on my list of things to add. What benefits would a feature like this add?

It would help me understand the context of what you need this particular feature for.
Looking up users by Steam ID.
I understand that's the goal, but what I mean is, how would that feature be used in terms of the forums?

SteamID64's are cumbersome to work with manually and don't really even show up on most steam community URLs (where they are translated to a name if you chose a URL name in steam). I'm just trying to understand the case on a forum user first obtaining the SteamID64 value and then needing to use it to look up members on your forums which may or may not possibly exist.
I understand that's the goal, but what I mean is, how would that feature be used in terms of the forums?

SteamID64's are cumbersome to work with manually and don't really even show up on most steam community URLs (where they are translated to a name if you chose a URL name in steam). I'm just trying to understand the case on a forum user first obtaining the SteamID64 value and then needing to use it to look up members on your forums which may or may not possibly exist.
It's more for external services to utilize. It's probably not the best means, as ideally I'd use an API to get plaintext or a JSON result.
I know I have asked this before but I would really like to have the ability to add users steam ID's to their profile just because I like the idea of having one addon doing it.

If anything I would appreciate it if you kept an open mind for future updates.. I used to add them with the Steam Authenticator version for vBulletin was simple the author put in an input area where you could add the steamID64 number in the user edit area.. I would to get their info from

Just so people understand this wouldn't add the ability to allow users to login it just adds their steam info to their profile they would still have to physically link to the site to login in through Steam.
Is there any way to force existing users or new users who register they regular way to do the steam authentication process?
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It's more for external services to utilize. It's probably not the best means, as ideally I'd use an API to get plaintext or a JSON result.

The SteamID64 exists in the database with the associated user ID, so I suppose you could run a query that outputs a JSON response. That might be the better solution in terms of external services.

It's a bit outside of the scope of this addon at this moment in time, as the addon is an integration for XenForo, not for external sources authing in to XenForo.

That being said, noted and if it looks to be possible, I'll see what I can do.

I know I have asked this before but I would really like to have the ability to add users steam ID's to their profile just because I like the idea of having one addon doing it.

If anything I would appreciate it if you kept an open mind for future updates.. I used to add them with the Steam Authenticator version for vBulletin was simple the author put in an input area where you could add the steamID64 number in the user edit area.. I would to get their info from

Just so people understand this wouldn't add the ability to allow users to login it just adds their steam info to their profile they would still have to physically link to the site to login in through Steam.

Noted. Although, have you considered using XenForo's Built-In Custom User Fields?

Is there any way to force existing users or new users who register they regular way to do the steam authentication process?

So far I've only heard of people doing this by editing their XenForo forums to do this (probably the registration code). It might be possible to do within the realm of the addon, but that investigation is currently lower on the priority list at the moment. Still want to clean up some of the stats and flesh them out a bit, along with some other reorganization.
I've moved to a new server and I have problems with using Steam API via HTTPS. The game images load fine using the https server but the API seems to fail. Curl is installed as well as OpenSSL.
API hasn't changed. No errors in any log.

However I tried to curl on the command line and I'm pretty sure it can't find my shiny new CA cert.
SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
* Closing connection 0
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here:
Do you have an out-of-date version of curl or OpenSSL?

Otherwise, it sounds to me like something is misconfigured with OpenSSL or your root certs are out of date. At least in terms of the error your shared with me.
Everything is up to date. Curl just can't see the roots certs. I'll have to dig into it. Never had this issue before.
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