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Sound Notification *Free*


Active member
Free version download link available via above website^

I am releasing Sound Notification based off of my prior vBulletin modification here.

There is a free and donate version.

Premium version will also sport no template edits, and install of custom profile fields when I have time to go more into the install scripting.

Only $5 for premium version!

Currently in Premium:
Play on Index Only
Different Notification Sound for Inbox and for Alerts
User Preferences to Disable
User Preferences to Set Custom URL for Sound
User Preferences to Set Volume of Sound

Future Builds:
No Template Edits
No Creating Profile Fields
Anything you can suggest, drop me a line on XenForo.

You need to register, once you register an automatic message will be sent to you.

Sound Notification1.webp

Sound Notification2.webp
It would have brought you to a confirmation page. If you did not get your password to the file, please send me a conversation with confirmation number from paypal, and I will send you password.
I went ahead and emailed everyone the password who purchased. I don't know why paypal is not sending the password as it is suppose to... My apologies. After purchasing a license, PC me and I will reply back with password. Only 4 more licenses left and the beta will be closed. I am trying to release the next version, but got called in for overtime at my work, so not too much time on my hands. Busy time of the year. Look forward to new release over weekend, will email everyone who paypaled me the new version.

I still fully support this mod, work has just gotten very busy over the holidays. Should clear up soon. If anyone who has purchased beta is interested, for the trouble and being patient, I will throw in my Youtube via Profile mod. PC me if interested in a copy.

Username: Test
Password: test123
Thanks to everyone that signed up for beta, I sent you guys the new version via email.

Due to the 10 licenses being sold, the price has been raised to $5 and will remain there.

2.0 Changelog:
Added notifications for alerts
Added preferences for users so they can disable the the notification, change the notification sound, or change the volume.
Added global function for disabling notifications for alerts.
Optimized code

Coming Soon:
Usergroup Permissions
Auto Install of Profile Fields


EDIT: Volume controls now work with Google Chrome!
Thanks to everyone that signed up for beta, I sent you guys the new version via email.

Due to the 10 licenses being sold, the price has been raised to $5 and will remain there.

2.0 Changelog:
Added notifications for alerts
Added preferences for users so they can disable the the notification, change the notification sound, or change the volume.
Added global function for disabling notifications for alerts.
Optimized code

Coming Soon:
Usergroup Permissions
Auto Install of Profile Fields


EDIT: Volume controls now work with Google Chrome!
Thanks for that :) I have posted a hook suggestion here: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/template-hooks.7909/page-10#post-316021
No problem. There's a template hook right above the conversation popup, but it doesn't serve much purpose, maybe with suggestion we will get somewhere.

@Free Users: I got some things to add to the free version too when I get some time.
Thanks to everyone that signed up for beta, I sent you guys the new version via email.

Due to the 10 licenses being sold, the price has been raised to $5 and will remain there.

2.0 Changelog:
Added notifications for alerts
Added preferences for users so they can disable the the notification, change the notification sound, or change the volume.
Added global function for disabling notifications for alerts.
Optimized code

Coming Soon:
Usergroup Permissions
Auto Install of Profile Fields


EDIT: Volume controls now work with Google Chrome!

What is "Auto Install of Profile Fields" ? Also, I was curious what the feedback from forum end users has been? I think having a sound is a good idea but I can see if you get lots of alerts that it could be annoying.
What is "Auto Install of Profile Fields" ? Also, I was curious what the feedback from forum end users has been? I think having a sound is a good idea but I can see if you get lots of alerts that it could be annoying.
Auto install of profile fields is so you don't have to manually create the custom profile fields.
Auto install of profile fields is so you don't have to manually create the custom profile fields.

What custom profile fields are needed? Does this mean just creating profile fields to turn the sound on or off? What exactly are we creating in the profile area, I don't understand this part.
What is "Auto Install of Profile Fields" ? Also, I was curious what the feedback from forum end users has been? I think having a sound is a good idea but I can see if you get lots of alerts that it could be annoying.
In the vBulletin version I used cookies so after they heard the sound once, they would not hear it every time, because a lot of people don't check their inbox everyday. I am working on incorporating this into the premium version. However if it does bother members, they can disable the sound or change it to their own via preferences as long as you set up the profile field.

UPDATE: Uploaded free version to Sendspace. Also added INDEX only option to AdminCP in free version. You can download here.
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