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Smiley Sprite Settings


XenForo developer
Staff member
This SQL dump contains the settings we use here on XenForo.com to turn all our smilies into sprites.

Note that this attempts to insert a whole new set of smilies into your database, so you may want to empty the table first, but please note that this will wipe-out any extra smilies you may have defined.
Once you have imported the SQL, go and edit a single smilie and save it, and the cache will be rebuilt ready for your members to use.


Just as an fyi, make sure you go in and save one smilie in the acp after you do this, it didn't work on my forums until I did that to update the cache.
Could we possibly get the sql file for "poop" "alien" "ninja" and the other two smilies as the total amounts to 35 not 30 if that's possible as we are using the full 35 smilies. Thanks.
Could we possibly get the sql file for "poop" "alien" "ninja" and the other two smilies as the total amounts to 35 not 30 if that's possible as we are using the full 35 smilies. Thanks.

Would be nice to get them in there :D
Thanks for the sql but they do not appear, I have tried editing/saving smilies and refreshing my browser cache but this is what has happened


I had the same problem.

No matter what I couldn't get the smilies to appear in the editor dropdown.

Try adding a new smiley and see if that fixes it.
The things that will rebuild the smiley cache are editing the image path or the smiley text - the other settings in the smiley editor won't trigger a recache.
No, only 11 are defined out of the box.

You need to run that script in phpMyAdmin to add the others, or add them manually in the ACP.
Failed, I'll do it manually :cry:
  1. Deleted TABLE xf_smilie
  2. Import xf_smilie.sql
  3. #1146 - Table 'xenforo.xf_smilie' doesn't exist

You should not have deleted the table, just empty/truncate it.

You won't be able to create any smilies now as the table doesn't exist.

You will need to restore that table from a backup, or run this script.

  `smilie_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `smilie_text` text NOT NULL,
  `image_url` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `sprite_mode` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `sprite_params` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`smilie_id`)
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