XF 1.3 Smiley Management Enhancements

Welcome to the first Have you seen... for XenForo 1.3!

In this video, I demonstrate the significant improvements and new features we've added to make the management of smilies easier, faster and more flexible.

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... update, Dec 11th - a follow-up video :)

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If you notice the width of the window in that video...
.....I'm going to guess 1.3 has a responsive design for AdminCP.
Woot Woot ! :D

How small does it look to you? I checked a window I had open in the ACP (Style Properties) and it scales down to 980 Pixels. Which to me doesn't look much different than the video. Responsive design would generally include menu and other elements collapsing down to very low resolutions and I am not seeing anything out of the ordinary in the video.
Welcome to the first Have you seen... for XenForo 1.3!

In this video, I demonstrate the significant improvements and new features we've added to make the management of smilies easier, faster and more flexible.

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Just finished watching the HYS. Great improvement to the smiley system, nice work indeed.
Ok, I'm going to be the sad sack here and say I hope the smiles aren't really one of the ten best new things in a new version! That is, there are so many core functions which need done (like "before" and "range" searches, etc.), that I hope the demonstration of smile management as big news.....is just for a smile!

Not to pooh-pooh hard work, but since this is a "xen" forum software, we need more of those "xen" (basic, core) functions!
I would point out that the improvements to the smiley system as demonstrated are several orders of magnitude greater, as far as code is concerned, than searches such as you have mentioned.

It caters for some of the most liked suggestions which is why it was developed.
Looks great! I was looking at several smiley mods and the importing process seemed like it would be a little time consuming (a little...not much). This makes it really easy!

Is there a predicted release date for 1.3?
lol I just saw Kier's new avi. He's looking serious like a gruffy terminator or mad scientist. That sounds like good news for Xenforo 1.3.
@Kier , would it be possible to have an option to bring up the tabs smileys default without having to click on the smiley in the editor ?
Looks like @Kier has joined the millions - with beards and mustache.


Nice to see new features. I always thought that the smiley area needed a little bit work, and these go beyond what I was expecting.

Lookin' forward to the other 1.3 features. :D
Having done demo videos before, I know what a pain they can be and I'm always SUPER impressed with what an incredible job Kier does on these videos... it's like he's a professional demo video guy.

... so, if the whole xF thing doesn't work out for @Kier , he's always got another option to fall back on! :D
Smiley Management is what I thought was missing when I had to manually add smilies from a sprite sheet. It took a long time but I got it done. This will make it a whole lot faster! Thank you for the update.

By the way, I think this opens a way for stickers like the ones in Facebook messenger to be used in Xenforo forums.

One suggestion: how about smiley categories integrated into the promotion system. We could reward active forum members with new smilies or for paying members. May be this makes it more complicated. Just a thought.
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Historically, roadmaps have not been released and any indications of features come from HYS threads such as these or comments around the forum. Currently, this and IPv6 support are the only confirmed features of 1.3.
It seems to me that the consistent implementation of the most popular suggestions is a pretty decent roadmap at his point in time.
There is currently no public date.

Another common term implemented by Blizzard often misleading players into excitement for future content. "Very Soon" is guaranteed to arrive between now and the end of time with a higher chance of arriving on the "now" half of the time table. Although this means closer to now than "soon" there is no guarantee that you will live long enough to see the content finally release.

Now ←-------------- Very Soon -------- Soon -------- Soon-ish ---------------→ End of Time

Just replace Blizzard with xenForo :D http://www.wowwiki.com/Soon
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