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Signature Badge Script

  • Thread starter Thread starter Floris
  • Start date Start date
i have Erics version. Im using the zip file he uploaded to this thread. can you upload the index.php for eriks version to this post that you use on xenaddicts so I can try uploading that? I think its buggy or missing something or something has changed since august when he uploaded that.
Yeah, I'm trying to fix it now. I didn't expect this to regain popularity so I just kind of let it lapse. Hold on a min. :)
Ok, for anyone that wants to use this, a few clarifications first: This is not a modification for XenForo. Also, this does not currently have an open-source GUI. The code I wrote is used by writing a URL and embedding that as an image wherever you want the signature to be. To create a signature, you have to "assemble" the URL based on a number of options. An example URL looks like this:

If you want a GUI for your users, you'll have to build one. :)

To start, you need a webserver that has cURL support and GD support. If you're not sure if you have this, you can try running the script and just seeing if it works.

Then, it's as simple as downloading the file at the bottom of this post (the new version fixes the missing Likes issue), and uploading everything to wherever you want on your server. I usually recommend example.com/sig/. :) You will need to edit index.php to change the URL to that of your community. Then, to use the script, your users just put together a URL based on these options:

    ### Available options: ###
    type                        name            default        description
    int                         userID                        The ID number of the user

    {red, blue, yellow,         color           blue        The color of the background element and text
    green, purple, orange,

    {georgia, arial, tahoma,    fontface        georgia        The font of the text. Times is actually Times New Roman.
    trebuchetms, times}

    string (hex value)          bg_color1                    Starting color for background gradient

    string (hex value)          bg_color2                    Ending color for background gradient

    string (hex value)          border_color                The color of the border around the background element

    string (hex value)          text_color                    The color of the text

    string (hex value)          shadow_color    FFFFFF        The color of the text shadow

    int                         shadow_x        1            The x-offset for the text-shadow

    int                         shadow_y        1            The y-offset for the text-shadow

    {posts, trophies, likes}    elements        all 3        Pick elements to show in the badge. You may mix and match, at least one (1) is required

    bool                        showName        true        If true, will show the Username and a dotted line seperator to the right

    bool                        showXF          true        If true, will show the small "xF" logo piece to the left of the username

You can string options together using the & character. See the sample URL above for an example. :)

Then a user can embed this in their signature using an IMG tag, like so:

Hopefully that explains things for you. :)

File download is here:
... oops i missed a couple of posts ill go back and re read. Id like to try this out tonight.
Are all the bugs and issues worked out on this before I get too carried away?
ok i used this one http://xenaddicts.com/sig/
made the sig ok, but when I went to my site and added it to my sig, it only comes out as an image with the wrong stats of course. How do you make it work with my website with current stats for that site? There does not seem to be a field in the builder to link to the users xenforo site?
i can't believe how difficult this has been. When I uploaded the index.php i dont even get my site anymore I get an invalid user id specified error "You must specify a User ID"Do you need to upload the entire contents in its own directory? Which I did not do. I give up not enough simplicity to this. This is not my first rodeo either.
create a folder on your site named 'sig'

add everything in the zip folder you downloaded to it.

edit the index.php file where it says a url with xenforo.com/community/members/
change it to your sites members folder...

then upload this new index.php file and overwrite the one you downloaded.

then just put this code within the IMG tags in your sig


Thanks...that has to work. And makes total sense.
Uploaded the files to a new directory called Sig, edited index.php
to: Line 222:
$page = getPage('http://www.outlawbugs.com/beetle/index.php?members/' . $userid . '/mini-stats.xml',

Is that the only edit in index.php? Does it not require user id edit?
I am getting a broken link as pictured.


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