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Signature Badge Script

  • Thread starter Thread starter Floris
  • Start date Start date
I try this on my instalation but not works for some users. Like me and another users.
What its the problem?
If the use'rs privacy settings are set so that only members or their followers can view their information, the script won't work. In addition, the script is written to pull the information from the xenforo.com domain. If you want to use it with your own community, you'll have to change that within the script. :)
If the use'rs privacy settings are set so that only members or their followers can view their information, the script won't work. In addition, the script is written to pull the information from the xenforo.com domain. If you want to use it with your own community, you'll have to change that within the script. :)
What's the best way to go about creating a front-end GUI for my visitors? I've seen them on various Xen fansites but I'm not sure how to start.
If the use'rs privacy settings are set so that only members or their followers can view their information, the script won't work. In addition, the script is written to pull the information from the xenforo.com domain. If you want to use it with your own community, you'll have to change that within the script. :)
Thank you so much Erik! :D
I'm as lost as an easter egg. Scripts all over the place on this mod, and two different zip files.
I assume we are to use the 2.5 generator. For some of us newbs can you explain in laymen's terms
how from start to finish install this mod, including correct directory structure to upload, which directorys
to chmod, how to create the image tag and were to point the tag, and also where to add the user id in I assume the index.php script or is there a more simple way?
step by step or at least include instructions with the zip as I don't like to assume anything on doing mod installs.
When you start assuming is when you start running into errors later down the road.
Thanks for the cool scripts!
off soap box now.
just installed this, it works well, EXCEPT for likes, it doesnt show the number. all other elements are showing up. And yes, the user has at least 2 likes, (its on his badge) but on the sig it has the thumbs up icon, then the word 'likes' no number in between.

is this still the syntax for likes?

$likes = $stats_xml->total_likes;
someone in this thread has the same issue in their sig. is there 2 codes floating around?

Disjunto made the first one, Erik quickly followed up with more in-depth code, and Cezz ended up hosting it as a service as well.

I, thread starter hehe, and owner of xenfans, fully support the hosted solution by Disjunto on xenmod.com - followed of course by xenaddicts.com (which is erik his version, extended a bit with gui).
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