Show Us your XF!

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we did the move from vbulletin 4 to xenforo.
the style is very simple - nothing special ;)
we have integrated photopost which is useing the user management and basic styling from xenforo.
the start page is not yet solved - we are still in discussion what we gonna use.
the feedback of the users was fantastic! :cool:
they love xenforo against the old vb4 so much - it was incredible to read their comments and feedback! :)

thx for comments ;) :D


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we did the move from vbulletin 4 to xenforo.
the style is very simple - nothing special ;)
we have integrated photopost which is jusing the user management and basic styling from xenforo.
the start page is not yet solved - we are still in discussion what we gonna use.
the feedback of the users was fantastic! :cool:
they love xenforo against the old vb4 so much - it was incredible to read their comments and feedback! :)

thx for comments ;) :D

Nice twist on the original style! Definitely an active forum how are users taking to the change?
Nice twist on the original style! Definitely an active forum how are users taking to the change?

thx! ;)

i had the prob that vbulletin was slowing down the server and forum activity dramaticly.
as the main season on my forum is now we need to react.
just great that xenforo came along as we did not see any other suitable competitor to vb. :whistle:
we have evaluated diffrent software in the past few month and all of them failed in terms of administration and speed improvement.
don´t mention the look-n-feel :censored:
with xenforo we found a cool new software which throws from our view vb4 into the darkest shades.

i have core users which had been involved in the evaluation and adjustion of the forum software.
after the decision was made I anounced that we change and posted the mods which will not move to the new forum.

we closed vb around or 6 pm and on 3 am xenforo was up and running.
we focused for 2 days on quick replys for question about the new handling in the new software - then most issues had been done.

quite the best rework of my page yet :D:rolleyes::cool::love:
Just released my first Xenforo forum today, would love some opinions on it! One released, 3 more to go :D

Inspirit Fitness
WOW that is bright..... but I love it! The color combo is one that I would never have thought to use, but it definitely works. Toning the yellow down with gold in strategic places was smart. I really like the forum status icons.

GOOD job!
WOW that is bright..... but I love it! The color combo is one that I would never have thought to use, but it definitely works. Toning the yellow down with gold in strategic places was smart. I really like the forum status icons.

GOOD job!

Thanks! I had the logo concept first, and then decided to try and blend it into the site. It did turn out a little brighter than I was hoping for, but I also plan on adding a few more style options in the short term future in case it is too bright for people.
Thanks! I had the logo concept first, and then decided to try and blend it into the site. It did turn out a little brighter than I was hoping for, but I also plan on adding a few more style options in the short term future in case it is too bright for people.

Well, there are 2 things that I would suggest, after looking at it a second time.
  1. un-bold the forum titles. The red is good, but being bold makes it brighter, and the text looks crowded. Mine aren't bold and they stand out just fine.
  2. Tone down the yellow. The header is fine because it's more of a gold-ish yellow. But the yellow on the category strips would look better if it was the same as the header - gold-ish yellow. The yellow background on the sidebar needs to be toned down. Make it a paler yellow and see how it looks.
Still, all-in-all, I really do like it. The footer is sharp.
Well, there are 2 things that I would suggest, after looking at it a second time.
  1. un-bold the forum titles. The red is good, but being bold makes it brighter, and the text looks crowded. Mine aren't bold and they stand out just fine.
  2. Tone down the yellow. The header is fine because it's more of a gold-ish yellow. But the yellow on the category strips would look better if it was the same as the header - gold-ish yellow. The yellow background on the sidebar needs to be toned down. Make it a paler yellow and see how it looks.
Still, all-in-all, I really do like it. The footer is sharp.

which titles are you talking about unbolding? the category titles?
No not the category strips. The forum titles i.e. Site Information, Introductions, Suggestions and feedback, etc.
Hmm. just looked at the forum and don't see anything wrong there myself. Not sure why certain things in bold bother you? As I can't see any issue with anything in bold there myself, all looks perfectly fine to me.

Just rechecked, your text "login or signup" is to faded.
Yeah, that does happen when you increase font-size above a certain em or pixels size. Makes text look bold, when in fact it's not.
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