s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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The Facebook embed is giving me trouble.

A video link works just fine, and displays the video (example:
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), however, if someone posts a regular link to a post on facebook from a page, like https://www.facebook.com/motioncitysoundtrack/posts/10154034790064048 — it thinks it's a video and is trying to embed it even though it should just be displaying as a link.

Edit: Updating to the new iframe seems to have half-worked. Clicking "read more" does not resize the post correctly. Kind of would prefer to only have Facebook videos auto embed, not just regular posts themselves. Is that possible?
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No, there's no way to differentiate the various types of Facebook posts in the add-on. You can post a text link by putting it in a code block or by creating a normal link with a text that is different from the URL. For example: Facebook video.

I fixed the issue with Facebook's "Read more" link.
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The majority of embeds are responsive already but they are limited to 640px in width so that they don't grow to absurd sizes on desktop. You can override the limit in CSS using the [data-s9e-mediaembed] selector. For example:

[data-s9e-mediaembed] { max-width: 1280px !important; }
[data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube"] { max-width: 960px !important; }
It works for me. Edit the post in question and post the [MEDIA] BBCode here in a code block, it may be incorrect. Also take a look in your server logs, there may be an error there.


Nothing showed up on the XenForo server logs.
@JoshyPHP Hello, do you have any plan to add niconico? It was originally a Japanese-only video site, but recently they have English interface for non-Japanese visitors.
Example video: http://www.niconico.jp/watch/sm21051219
FYI, pressing the Share button (besides all the social network buttons) will show the necessary codes to embed an external player of the video.
I love the addon, but for my purposes having Google Sheets auto-embed (without even clicking the media button) is unacceptable. Is there any way to disable just that function?
If you go in the admin panel in Options > s9e Media Pack there's an option named "Excluded sites" in which you can enter individual sites not to install. In this case, you can enter "googlesheets". Alternatively, you can uncheck the "Documents" category too.
No, I looked into it but its audience is too small to be included in this add-on.
Whaat!? That's strange. I thought there'd be a lot of "weeaboo" who loved to go to Niconico as to mimic Japanese otaku or something.

EDIT: But oh well, never mind. Their external player doesn't have HTTPS version. So it's not really possible to embed it on my forums (since I have HSTS enabled).
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@dieketzer @doublespaces There has been no recent change related to Twitter in the add-on. My guess is that it's an issue with the browser, or perhaps a server misconfiguration. Twitter embeds work fine for me on any browser but Firefox on Windows and OSX may have some difficulties. I don't know why and I have no way to reproduce it. It works fine on Firefox 44/Windows 10. If you look inside your browser's error console, there may be an error message.

You may also try loading the tweet in a separate tab, see if that works differently: https://s9e.github.io/iframe/twitter.min.html#710881562846306304
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