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Redirects for vBSEO'd URLs

It means you've lost all the mapping from your old forum threads to the new forum threads.

Did you empty it or start another import?
In fact, there are 2 presets (#001 and #003) for which 'forum' url redirects cannot be generated. And unfortunately, the #001 preset is set to default when you install vbseo.

Aww. I run the 1st option. Will that mean I'm SOL when it comes to my links bieng automatically redirected when I transfer to XF?
Here's another patient.... :D

I just tried the above tool. We do have custom rewrite rules, but the tool seemed to work fine.
After I did the following:
  1. Disabled the vbSEO product (under products) and switched off vbSEO in the vbSEO control panel
  2. Then I uploaded the new .htaccess file in the vb directory where showthread.php is located.
So from that point I expected that indexed pages by Google would be redirected correctly, but this was not the case. All I got from Google was "Oops! This link appears to be broken"

What did I do wrong? Please advice. :)
(I attached my vbseo_urls file)


Whoa it sure looks to me like this issue is a fair ways from being settled.
I have a vbSEO-enhanced vB3.8 installation that my SEO experts are saying don't risk trying to do an import to XF.

From what I've read so far here, he's looking pretty correct in that assessment.

My question is: Given all of the BS gobbledy-gook end-of-life talk at vB, etc. etc.,
does this mean at some point I will no longer be able to run vb 3.8 or does it just mean that vB/IB will no longer "support" it?

Of course, I don't want to give vB another friggin' nickel... to renew a 3.8 license which when I bought it was sold as lifetime license for 3.x.

Based on my SEO consultant's advice, I'm inclined to leave all of vB content right where it is, forever, and just link from XF to the old vB when citing an old post as a reference, since I've got a good foundation of Google ranking link equity in the 3.8 board.

Is that feasible to do, or at some point is IB going to tell me I have to take the 3.8 board down because my "lifetime" license has expired or whatever?

Thanks in advance...
I'm still struggling with this. Please can anyone tell me....
  • How can I test if the vbSEO'd links in Google will take me to the corresponding content after I've uploaded Shadab's .htaccess file? (without even looking at xenforo?). Do I need to turn off vbSEO? Disable the product?
  • Or can't I do these steps separately? (without installing Kiers redirection files first)
BTW, my old vb forum is located in /board, the new one in /forum (I know I have to add this to Kier's file)
You should be able to create a file like showthread.php with the following contents:
echo '<pre>'; print_r($_GET);
And see if the old URLs hit that file (showing something like the thread ID under "t"). Don't leave this file around though - it's actually got a security issue.

Note that for our redirection scripts to be available, we do need all of the XenForo files (the library directory). They're not independent.
I finally got it working!! :) I didn't know I had to keep vbseo running and that the redirection is a combined process. Thought I could check it independently. Thanks a lot.
OK 2 issues I am having.

1. When using Source: 001 - Hierarchic .html type URLs with content relevant forums and threads (Default Settings) or uploading my xml I get this:

Thread PagingRewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+-([\d]+).html showthread.php?t=$1&page=$2 [NC,L]ThreadRewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+.html showthread.php?t=$1 [NC,L]Forum PagingUnsupported url format.ForumUnsupported url format.

2. My VB forum was installed in the /forums dir, my XF install is in root. When I put any htaccess file in /forums I can not click a forum from my XF install, it always breaks the page.

Please help

Thanks for the bump.. Been a few days now that I migrated and it will start hurting my google results soon if I dont get these redirects going..
Can someone tell me why this is a sticky on XF when it is no longer supported? I have lost some google rank already and honestly would have never migrated if I knew it was unsupported. I only migrated because I seen this thread was a sticky (meaning the staff supports it). Very bad job on XF staff here. Cost me a lot of money so far. I had 15 other VBSEO sites that I planned to migrate over the next week but because of this I plan to upgrade my VB licenses since I can not get support here. VERY BAD JOB.

If it is Sticky this means it is supported, if not then dont stick it! If you stick it the staff at XF should support it. I even requested paid support for this. I have waisted over 1 week trying just to migrate my BIGBOARD site to find out after it was done that these redirects are unsupported even though it was made sticky.

Like I said I have already shown a massive decrease in search engine traffic. The loss is almost at $300 in the past week.

If there is no support and the staff here wont support it why is it stickied by staff?

Not cool
Stan, no add-ons here are officially supported by XenForo/XenForo Limited, even the redirection scripts that Kier has released. Stickiness doesn't have any bearing on support.

We do try to help people where possible, though I don't have any experience with vBSEO or Shadab's redirection system, so it's hard for us to do much here. I tried to help via a ticket, noting that the /forums to / move is what makes your situation particularly challenging. I will try to look into this for you again tomorrow, but it's me doing that personally. It's beyond what we can do for official support and I don't know what I'll find. Do you mind submitting a ticket for me (or starting a conversaion with me) with some example URLs to try to match/redirect, as well as your FTP details (again)?
Stan, have you asked vBSEO for assistance. Granted they don't support XenForo, but they might be able to help out. They've helped me out with .htaccess issues in the past. They were vB related, but those guys are certainly well versed considering their focus is on that sort of stuff.
Is the plugin working for others ?

Yes. Stan's issue is related to moving the directory of his forum. That's what makes it a bit of a pickle. The tool works great in combination with Kier's scripts. How do you work those scripts and further modify the .htaccess into a setup where the forums are moving to root.
.... hmmmm ....
if it's related to moving the directory ... sounds like it would be easier to *not* move the directory .... redo the forum install ?

Ideally the first post could be updated to reflect the requirement about the directory location.
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