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Quick Staff Conversation


Well-known member
I often PC the staff and I've gotten tired of typing all of their names over & over. I made this quick template edit to make things easier. now I can just click "Quick Staff" & have their names inserted for me.

this will require you to edit the names that get inserted. what I did was manually added all the names to a conversation & then copied & pasted them into my code below.

in template "conversation_add"

find the form tag
<form action="{xen:link 'conversations/insert'}" method="post"
and edit it to add a name to the tag
<form action="{xen:link 'conversations/insert'}" name="Form" method="post"

            <xen:if is="{$remaining} != 1">
                <p class="explain">{xen:phrase separate_names_with_comma} <xen:if is="{$remaining} > 0">{xen:phrase you_may_invite_up_to_x_members, 'number={xen:number $remaining}'}</xen:if></p>

and change it to the following. be sure to edit out my staff names & insert your own. names need to be comma separated.
<xen:if is="{$visitor.is_admin} OR {$visitor.is_moderator}">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function AddItem(ItemId)
document.Form.recipients.value = 'Doctor Ivan, Señor Pedro, TorontoAtHome, buddysgirl, John Daniels819, Mutt, ';
<br><div class="explain" style="float: right; cursor: pointer;" onclick="AddItem('staff');">Quick Staff</div>
            <xen:if is="{$remaining} != 1">
                <div class="explain">{xen:phrase separate_names_with_comma} <xen:if is="{$remaining} > 0">{xen:phrase you_may_invite_up_to_x_members, 'number={xen:number $remaining}'}</xen:if></div>

NOTE 1: if you wanted to have more than 1 quick add group, it would be easy enough to edit the javascript to add a if / else based on the value of ItemID. In my situation I didn't need it.

NOTE 2: in my code only mods & admins will see this link but you certainly could edit the conditional or remove it to show to all.
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