Quick search

Quick search [Paid] 5.3

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Suggestion: XFRM. An ability to search also in resource tag_line (by title & tag_line).
Would you please implement a button such as "View more results" or "View older results" (the latter similarly to the standard Xenforo search)?
Any chance this can also be updated to search threads themselves? My members LOVE how accurate this seems to be over the default search and asked if it can search within threads as well.
Installed, permissions set. Added a new post with

"love 123456"

Now i search for "love" and get a result.

But i cant get any result for "123456".

Is there any restriction with/for numbers?

The normal search shows me the result that it should show, the quick search fails.
Ok, i get ther answer; this addons searches thread titles only. Ok.
Ist there anything equel for posts or posts and threads or posts and threads and the rest?
Ok, i have mixed some code from the advanced search to the quick search, and now i have a quick post search. Very nice, thank you.
Hi there,

after deactivating this Add-on, our Lighthouse accessability score increases from 89 to 95 points. It seems the Quick search form doesn't have a "label" so it has negative effects for users with visible handicaps. Is there a way to solve that problem, @AndyB ?

Thank you!
@AndyB To answer the question you just sent Lagaf:
  1. Open your website in Edge.
  2. Right-Click in the browser window and select "Inspect Element"
  3. In the top row of the inspector window you'll find "Lighthouse"
  4. Select either "Mobile" or "Desktop" and then click "Generate report"
  5. Once you see the results, click on the "Accessibility" result to jump to this section
  6. You'll see "Form elements do not have associated labels"
  7. Open that and you'll see it's related to the quicksearch input field.
Hope this helps

PS: If you temporarily disable the QuickSearch and run the Lighthouse report generation again, you'll see the accessibility score goes up nicely :)
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