Project Tools Nav Tab Questions

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I am running the project Tools at my Site and would like to change the permissions of that tab that it´s just visible to some Usergroups.

My problem is that i can´t find the Navigation Tab´s Code.
Check the Listener/Project.php file, I have no access to sftp atm, but I remember doing the same, customizing the php code to control the tab.

I limited it myself to super admins only for the site we were using it on. You probably want to check against the unique user group id user_group_id
if (XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->isSuperAdmin())

that said, i moved away from using it and am using a second forum for project management which has it's features slightly customized, and is using tags to organize it's content. Simpler, and to be honest, more effective. </offtopic>
Maybe your Idea is better since the Project tools is not under any Development anymore... Also its possible to use the Prefix system... Well Thanks anyway i will give both a try
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