Not to go off-topic, but this is the off-topic area (dependence on 3rd party to do basic stuff)

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On the other hand, some sites might opt to have 5000 registered users. But if 5000 users give you 1 euro, that's 5000 euro a month. And maybe they publish dozens of posts a day compared to sites with 200,000 users but with 10 active users.
And there is NOTHING wrong with that... I run (and have clearly stated) my site as a hobby and an enjoyment for me... it gives ME somewhere to post my data without restriction. If other users get benefit from that data, great... if they want to join and play in the sandbox, even better.

My WHOLE point of creating this thread was to highlight the dependence of XenForo developers to do some basic "crap" that they could easily (and should) extend their current script to do. They seem to do their best to push off advancements to 3rd party developers.. never mind the fact that those third party developers can be (and historically have been) rather transient in the long term life of XenForo.
And there is NOTHING wrong with that... I run (and have clearly stated) my site as a hobby and an enjoyment for me... it gives ME somewhere to post my data without restriction. If other users get benefit from that data, great... if they want to join and play in the sandbox, even better.

My WHOLE point of creating this thread was to highlight the dependence of XenForo developers to do some basic "crap" that they could easily (and should) extend their current script to do. They seem to do their best to push off advancements to 3rd party developers.. never mind the fact that those third party developers can be (and historically have been) rather transient in the long term life of XenForo.

And I agree with you. Unfortunately, however, nothing will change.
So @Tracy Perry has issues with all the @XenForo developers.
Here's hoping that all the staff members here prank you.
Yep.. I definitely have issues with their extreme dependence upon 3rd party developer to extend many aspects that they should natively do.
AND I have the cajones to actually comment extensively on that fact, the weaknesses that it causes for XF license holders and have the actual knowledge (and experience) to base those comments off of (which is apparent since I clearly started this thread)... what do you bring to the table besides a lack of knowledge and apparent inexperience as evidenced by the majority of your posts?

You see... I realize that the Xenforo developers are pretty much adults that can deal with criticism... and don't need to resort to hysterics like some do.
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You don't need to make money. You need to make your forum grow. Members will walk away if registration is going to cost them money. Go into paypal and get a donate here badge and allow outsiders to donate to your forum.
Wait for 30 members to sign up before you even think of anything.
Something Awful requires payment to register, don't see them not growing.
@Taylor J every time i see Something Awful i am amazed how such a big and active forum could use vb 2.2.9 If he upgraded xenforo to the latest version, he would at least double his traffic.
@Taylor J every time i see Something Awful i am amazed how such a big and active forum could use vb 2.2.9 If he upgraded xenforo to the latest version, he would at least double his traffic.
Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about so stop before you make a bigger fool out of yourself.
@Aerodynamic are you arguing that users and google like a version of a forum that was released in 2002 or 21 years ago better?
Users and google have evolved a lot in 21 years and we need to offer options that keep up with the times...
@Aerodynamic are you arguing that users and google like a version of a forum that was released in 2002 or 21 years ago better?
Users and google have evolved a lot in 21 years and we need to offer options that keep up with the times...
Content is key, and has always been that way and will always be so in the future. An outdated forum filled with content will beat a new forum with no content, any day. Also, most users don't care about bells and whistles such as software and add ons. So a new software will definitely NOT double their traffic. So, yes, I'm arguing that you don't know what you're talking about.
An outdated forum filled with content will beat a new forum with no content, any day. Also, most users don't care about bells and whistles such as software and add ons.
The one exception to this may be an extremely outdated forum. There is only one forum left out there for a niche I'm building a site in... And it's using ips forum software from 2005 and as such it is COMPLETELY UNUSABLE on mobile. It has some activity but not much at all compared to it's heyday.

So I'm building a new forum in that niche. We'll see soon enough if I'm correct in my gut that it'll be successful. I tried to become a regular member of that other site but it's impossible to use. A ton of traffic is on mobile now.
And I'll add that this site is completely for fun and I have no plans to have ads on it or try to make money on it. Thankfully it's fully paid for by my moneymaking site.
Content is key, and has always been that way and will always be so in the future. An outdated forum filled with content will beat a new forum with no content, any day. Also, most users don't care about bells and whistles such as software and add ons. So a new software will definitely NOT double their traffic. So, yes, I'm arguing that you don't know what you're talking about.
My members get polled a lot on whether we should use our sister site which is on vbulletin connect 5.
or stick with xf.
most say stick with xf.
@Aerodynamic we are talking about a forum with 208,281 members who have written 258,638,056 posts.
If you give these users a forum updated to what users want, they will be much more incentivized to write in the forum.
And if the forum is written as google wants in 2023 it will have many more pages on google and many more users will find it.

About 2 months ago I converted a custom forum that hadn't been updated for 10 years.
From now on, active users started writing many more posts.
In the old forum each thread had 2/3 replies.
In the new forum each thread has 15/20 replies and even more.
The one exception to this may be an extremely outdated forum. There is only one forum left out there for a niche I'm building a site in... And it's using ips forum software from 2005 and as such it is COMPLETELY UNUSABLE on mobile. It has some activity but not much at all compared to it's heyday.

So I'm building a new forum in that niche. We'll see soon enough if I'm correct in my gut that it'll be successful. I tried to become a regular member of that other site but it's impossible to use. A ton of traffic is on mobile now.
But doesn't every forum have some activity compared to its heyday? ;) Most forum have declined in activity.
My members get polled a lot on whether we should use our sister site which is on vbulletin connect 5.
or stick with xf.
most say stick with xf.
Members will always be opposed to change unless it's their own idea.
@Aerodynamic we are talking about a forum with 208,281 members who have written 258,638,056 posts.
If you give these users a forum updated to what users want, they will be much more incentivized to write in the forum.
And if the forum is written as google wants in 2023 it will have many more pages on google and many more users will find it.

About 2 months ago I converted a custom forum that hadn't been updated for 10 years.
From now on, active users started writing many more posts.
In the old forum each thread had 2/3 replies.
In the new forum each thread has 15/20 replies and even more.
Total forum statistics don't mean anything. You could be online for 10 years and have 100k members or only 5k members and the smaller forum could have more activity than the bigger one. Don't focus on statistics, it's daily activity today that counts, not 10 years ago.
@Aerodynamic i find it truly absurd when it had to deny reality at all costs.
Facebook, instagram, tiktok, twitter etc. etc. they have billions of subscribers and that doesn't stop them from updating.
They release new updates all the time to keep up with the times because a site that is up with the times encourages users to stay and be active.
Vbulletin from 2.2.9 version in 21 years came to vbulletin 5 which even if it is much worse than xenforo 2.2.x it is still better than vbulletin 2.2.9
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