New wiki system for XenForo

Rough feature list we have planned, let us know if there is more you guys want to see?

Media Wiki Bridge
  • Plugs into XLink for easy setup/configuration
  • Theme Synchronisation (XenForo → MediaWiki)
  • User Account Synchronisation (XenForo → MediaWiki)
    • Single sign-on (Log into both platforms with XenForo accounts)
    • User group mapping
    • User articles tab in XenForo
    • MediaWiki statistics in XenForo
    • MediaWiki statistics for User Criteria
      • Edited X articles
      • Created X articles
  • XenForo threads as discussion tabs for MediaWiki
  • MediaWiki snippet/quote BB Code for XenForo, to easily quote/link MediaWiki articles
  • Integrated Search
  • MediaWiki alerts to XenForo alerts
  • MediaWiki moderation queue into XenForo moderation queue
  • BB Code rendering in Media Wiki articles (?)
  • Media Wiki Rendering in XenForo Posts (inside Bb Code) (?)
That's really great, @Mike Creuzer!

There are features I wouldn't have dared to hope for, e.g. the XF topics as MW discussions and the snippets/ widgets of articles. That sounds great, so one could show contents of articles, pictures and if necessary tables from the Wiki in XF. The other features you mentioned also sound tempting, especially the integrated search and the theme synchronisation.
  • With BB code it would be very helpful for my taste if users could use BB code in the MW, because Wiki syntax is not used by many users. So more members can write articles, the hurdle is lower. It's not a must, but sounds helpful.

  • Conversely, I don't think Wiki syntax in XF is necessary, I can't imagine any use case. Only a few users should be such experienced wiki authors that they can use wiki syntax rather than BB code.

  • What you might want to reconsider is whether the media (files uploaded in MW) could somehow be used in XF or managed as XF attachments or anything like that. Honestly, I don't have a concrete idea, but media is a big field.

  • You might be able to configure/show/integrate the navigation in XF. In my Wiki I linked some special pages on the left side (new files, random articles, all articles of the categories a b c etc.). I suppose this is still done in MW, but maybe you can think about it.

  • Finally, one should perhaps be able to see in "Who's online" in XF what a user is doing in the wiki. That doesn't have to be super detailed and for any page in the MW, but you should be able to see basic things like "User reads article x y z", "edits article ...", "searches files". And please always keep the XF session running in MW. For this I use the Kotomi page as 1x1 pixel iframe ;)
Thanks, this will be great!
Ill let @Lukas W. reply to this question of syntax, as to be honest I'm not sure in this regard having never managed a Wiki personally. That said I have designed many MediaWiki sites.

  1. With respect to media management, I like that idea. Im not sure how feasible, but it doesn't sound too rough.
  2. Navigation is scoped in, yes. The wiki nav, so to speak, would show as a subnav by default and some ways to change individual items.
  3. I think thats reasonable as well!
One more thing, please. No soon answer required. I had already asked that in XPress, but your answer didn't sound so confident :)

I would like to run WordPress, MediaWikia and Xenforo separately:
  1. For security reasons, on separate EC2 and RDS instances in AWS, so that a security gap in WordPress does not allow reading the user data from Xenforo or similar worst case scenarios. I would like that, sounds somehow more secure, but that's not a must.
  2. For historical reasons I would like (it's more a must) run WordPress and the MediaWiki on a different domain than Xenforo (ie.,, I know this sounds special, but both domains are very important separately since they are devided since 20 years and my users and Google would not understand to kick one. Maybe one can use rewrites or other dirty tricks to visually separate the domains.
You don't have to answer with a solution now, really. Keep your time for the important coding and solutions. But I still wanted to mention it... :)
One more thing, please. No soon answer required. I had already asked that in XPress, but your answer didn't sound so confident :)

I would like to run WordPress, MediaWikia and Xenforo separately:
  1. For security reasons, on separate EC2 and RDS instances in AWS, so that a security gap in WordPress does not allow reading the user data from Xenforo or similar worst case scenarios. I would like that, sounds somehow more secure, but that's not a must.
  2. For historical reasons I would like (it's more a must) run WordPress and the MediaWiki on a different domain than Xenforo (ie.,, I know this sounds special, but both domains are very important separately since they are devided since 20 years and my users and Google would not understand to kick one. Maybe one can use rewrites or other dirty tricks to visually separate the domains.
You don't have to answer with a solution now, really. Keep your time for the important coding and solutions. But I still wanted to mention it... :)
This is definitely ideal for many large boards. Unfortunately it is not possible to do what we're doing with theme synchronization at least. But the rest could be doable. Tagging @Lukas W. and @Jake B. to see feasibility and what we already support
  1. For historical reasons I would like (it's more a must) run WordPress and the MediaWiki on a different domain than Xenforo (ie.,, I know this sounds special, but both domains are very important separately since they are devided since 20 years and my users and Google would not understand to kick one. Maybe one can use rewrites or other dirty tricks to visually separate the domains.

Unfortunately cookies can't be shared across separate domains, you can do subdomains, though:
  • BB Code rendering in Media Wiki articles (?)
  • Media Wiki Rendering in XenForo Posts (inside Bb Code) (?)

The mediawiki syntax allows you to set actual h2/h3/etc headings, whereas the XF bbcode only allows you to change the font size. Our mediawiki pages always outrank our XF pages in search engines, so I wouldn't want to lose that hierarchy. It also helps with consistency; it might not look great if people chose their own formatting for how they think each page should look. I wouldn't mind if bbcode is offered as an option, but it would be great if it could be disabled for those who prefer to stick with the original mediawiki markup.
wondering the same thing.. for me its pretty simple.. I only need my xenforo users to be able to log into mediawiki.
What will be with cross linking?

I found that's a key feature in the old (a long, loooong time ago) Lexicon ad-don from vBulletin. And for me its the best way to let people find the stuff in a wiki the easy-st way.
Honestly, all I really want is a way to put Dokuwiki inside Xenforo where I have a seamless look and login. So basically like XFMG but a wiki, the backend is all Dokuwiki (with text files, etc). But there's probably a licensing thing since Dokuwiki is open source.
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