Moderator Unable To "Tag Members" In Media Even With All Required Permissions


Well-known member
One of my moderators is unable to tag members on any content even though he has all permissions to do so:



Well, it seems that regular users can use the tagging feature, but no one in my Senior Mod/Global Mod group can.

Edit: if it helps, the S.Mods unable to tag members also have access to ACP (are administrators with certain permissions). Another S.Mod who had no access to ACP did use the tagging feature earlier, but he is currently asleep (due to time zone) for me to test out if that is the issue.
I put myself in the S.Mod usergroup and removed myself from any other group I was part of (only primary group & S.Mod secondary).

I could tag members in the media section without any issues.

So I think it isn't an issue of permissions or the user group permissions being wrong/corrupted. Or can that still be an issue?

To be precise:
  1. Concerned members are part of global moderating team and they are administrators too with restricted permissions.
  2. Concerned members have all privileges to tag members on any media.
  3. Concerned members are still unable to view the tag options, and the "Media Options" drop-down is empty on "others media" as per this screenshot.

Any help would be greatly appreciated to sort this matter out, as it's been only 24 hours since the media add-on has been implemented on the community and even I am not familiar with everything so if it is something I have missed please let me know (any other permission or step that should fix this problem).
Permission corruption is possible, though unlikely.

Media tools being empty like that is something that shouldn't happen, as there should be code to prevent it from display in that case. It might be relevant.

To try to take permission corruption out just in case, go to <url>/install/ and rebuild the master data. If that doesn't help, double check on a default style and, if possible, with other non-XFMG add-ons disabled to attempt to avoid any style/add-on conflicts.
Permission corruption is possible, though unlikely.

Media tools being empty like that is something that shouldn't happen, as there should be code to prevent it from display in that case. It might be relevant.

To try to take permission corruption out just in case, go to <url>/install/ and rebuild the master data. If that doesn't help, double check on a default style and, if possible, with other non-XFMG add-ons disabled to attempt to avoid any style/add-on conflicts.
Should I close my board while rebuilding master data or can I keep it open?

And I doubt its a add-on conflict issue, since its only a couple of them who are facing this issue, for the majority others its all fine. But I'll try, thanks for the assistance.
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