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Minorin - Standard editor toolbar

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This addon is a great help to those whom aren't scared by the BBcode but want to style their post alot (Something that can be hard/buggy in TinyMCE).

Great job.


Actually just noticed that the description is slightly wrong
Brogan have you made a tutorial before on how to add buttons to the minorin toolbar? I think I remember one of your posts but couldn't find it.
Would be nice to see this :D

It's all in this thread.
Here is the important stuff.
Look in Options -> Minorin and you can see the default ones there and how they're created.

To add your own you can check in editor_ui.css for the icon class.

For example, I added this for my spoiler code which was added using KK's BBCM.
<span class='mceIcon mce_help'></span>:[spoiler=][/spoiler]

Here are some of mine:
<span class='minorin_bbcode_bgcolor'></span>:[bg=][/bg]
<span class='mceIcon mce_help'></span>:[spoiler=][/spoiler]
<span class='minorin_bbcode_panel'></span>:[panel][/panel]
<span class='minorin_bbcode_pre'></span>:[pre][/pre]

I used some of the icons from the editor icons.png file.
Others I created myself and added some new css to the dark_minorin.css template, as follows:
.xenForoSkin .minorin_bbcode_bgcolor { display: block; width: 20px; height: 20px; background:url(styles/dark/bg_color.png) no-repeat center; }
.xenForoSkin .minorin_bbcode_panel { display: block; width: 20px; height: 20px; background:url(styles/dark/panel.png) no-repeat center; }
.xenForoSkin .minorin_bbcode_pre { display: block; width: 20px; height: 20px; background:url(styles/dark/pre.png) no-repeat center; }

I've already requested tooltips.

Copy my instructions here for adding new buttons: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/minorin-standard-editor-toolbar.11742/page-2#post-156504

You can set the default editor in your preferences - it would require an SQL query to do so for all existing users.
But even then new users would default to the WYSIWYG editor.
The smiley order has changed to alphabetical from the original order.

Is there any way of reverting that?

If not, is there a simple fix for the double toolbar in the edit window?
I don't use the smiley sprite sheet so I don't need the updates related to that.

The code seems to indicate they should sort on id <xen:foreach loop="$minorin.toolbar_smilies" value="$smilie" key="$id"> but it's alphabetical.
The smiley order has changed to alphabetical from the original order.

Is there any way of reverting that?

If not, is there a simple fix for the double toolbar in the edit window?
I don't use the smiley sprite sheet so I don't need the updates related to that.

The code seems to indicate they should sort on id <xen:foreach loop="$minorin.toolbar_smilies" value="$smilie" key="$id"> but it's alphabetical.

Fixed :)
Great plugin! I have upgraded it, removed <xen:include template="dark_minorin_toolbar" /> from editor template, but still have both controls when open inline page. Help me find my mistake, please.


  • error.webp
    21.9 KB · Views: 15
Great plugin! I have upgraded it, removed <xen:include template="dark_minorin_toolbar" /> from editor template, but still have both controls when open inline page. Help me find my mistake, please.

Are you running 1.1 and definitely the latest minorin.js file?
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