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Massive Smiley Importer

Well, maybe you can still help. Direct me to where you think that "log" may be.
We will start with Cpanel I assume.
In cPanel look for the Logs section and click on Error Log.
Make sure you trigger the error first though or it could be empty.
In cPanel look for the Logs section and click on Error Log.
Make sure you trigger the error first though or it could be empty.

ok... checked the log, some errors, went back ran the import file and got the 500 error...
Here is my log in its current state.:[Mon Dec 13 17:22:53 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/500.shtml
[Mon Dec 13 17:22:53 2010] [error] [client] SoftException in Application.cpp:601: Directory "/home/osso12/public_html/beetle/styles/default" is writeable by group
[Mon Dec 13 17:00:32 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico
[Mon Dec 13 17:00:29 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico
[Mon Dec 13 16:46:37 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico
[Mon Dec 13 16:46:28 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico
[Mon Dec 13 16:46:25 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/forum
[Mon Dec 13 16:42:41 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico
[Mon Dec 13 16:42:14 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico
[Mon Dec 13 16:27:17 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico
[Mon Dec 13 16:27:14 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico
[Mon Dec 13 15:46:43 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/osso12/public_html/favicon.ico

Other than a few Chmod issues I don't see anything. Anyone else?
Getting online now with my host provider. I will update as what they have to say about this.
is the styles current permissions state giving me this error?
What is the default permissions for the styles directory?
I can't see anything there which obviously relates to the problem.
The styles error just seems to be saying that it's writeable so you might want to chmod that to 755 if it isn't already.

Time to see what your host has to say about it, it could be a setting in php.ini.
I should be proud of my host. First time I felt like they ever did anything for me in the 10 years I have been with hostgator...

Anyone want to guess what it was? I knew pretty much what was causing it but could not figure out where.


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I'm not sure I understand?
Is the error just that the smilies already existed?

Or is that the screenshot after running the importer?
It looks like you've still got path problems, otherwise the smileys would be showing up instead of broken images.
Glad to see we got past the 500 ISE though.
Not sure why they are broken. I had already added all the smilies one by one earlier in the week. Maybe cause they already exist and are already imported?
The reason the importer was not working is because in the styles folder the sub directory "default"
permissions were 777. Had to change "default" back to 755. The reason I did not catch it because the following directories styles, xenforo, and smiles were correct at 755.
I'm not sure I understand?
Is the error just that the smilies already existed?

Or is that the screenshot after running the importer?
Yes. We were getting the 500 error before when running the importer.
Once I was able to successfully run the importer, I took the screen shot. The importer is working fine other than showing broken images during the import. I don't think there will be a problem running the importer in the future though. We shall see. I have plenty of smilies for now though.
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