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Massive Smiley Importer

im getting a
Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

ive done attempted this several times now.. same thing.
im getting a
Internal Server Error
Internal service errors are typical of poor configuration, not on the application, but on the server. Usually you'll find an error_log somewhere in the directory you uploaded this to. If you want, send me a PM with the content of that file and I'll see what I can do. I said a PM, only because these can contain private information (specifically server usernames) that you may not want the world to see.
Yes, Brogan thanks. I see they are no longer pm's but conversations. I assume if you lock the conversation where others cannot join in then it becomes private and not visible to others?
i have done this so many times... I have checked my password, edited the vars to both
//no forward or trailing slash!!
and to styles/default/xenforo/smilies
same thing.. 500 error...
Is there a way to import the DB via phpmyadmin and create the tables manually that way?
This should not be that hard to do. I should have had this installed 5 min tops but is taking me hours..
I need to move on to something else if its not going to work.
I demand a mass importer in xenforo that works. If VB can have one why can't xenforo?
Should not have to ad one smilie at a time thats ridiculous to expect anyone to do that with high dollar software like we have here. Off rant.
As I said in my original reply, go through your error logs. THAT will tell you where the error is.
The configuration file is not the problem, the problem is with your php configuration, something is missing.
this dont tell me much
<!--#echo var="REQUEST_URI" -->
<!--#echo var="REDIRECT_STATUS" --><!--#echo var="REQUEST_URI" -->
more than likely it is something I am doing wrong. If no one else is having an issue, then its something I am doing.
But I have run scripts before, and usually can figure it out pretty easily. Its usually due to a typo on my part but I can't in the life of me figure out what that may be. So, the only edit is with the vars.php file correct?
four fields of info seem pretty easy to do. Just sayin.
o well.. one at a time.. I know how to do it now..lol..
Its not all that bad folks...gives you something to do!


  • help5.webp
    103.7 KB · Views: 22
How can I set my database name with this? From my limited understanding it's using localhost which my host won't allow. we have to point our scripts to MySQL.domain.com for it to work.

This is what the vars file has in it now, but I need to call the db server..


How can I set my database name with this? From my limited understanding it's using localhost which my host won't allow. we have to point our scripts to MySQL.domain.com for it to work.
Download the file again (new release), you'll see a place in the vars.php file for your host. Since it's not typically something you'd change, I didn't add it as a variable initially, but it's now added.
Make the changes to vars.php, and upload that and smiley_import.php again to your webserver, then retry, you shouldn't see any issues from that point.
//most people won't need to change this
//no forward or trailing slash!!
Downloaded again today. Still get 500 error, no log.
You can see from my vars there is no reason for this not to work.
There should be a way to manually create the tables if the import file will not work if someone would write a text file.
There is no reason I should not be able to make this work.
First mod that I have never been able to get to work, does not make any sense.
First mod that I have never been able to get to work, does not make any sense.
I've told you a few times how to find out what's wrong and fix this. This isn't a 'mod' problem, but something in your php configuration. 500 errors are typically not 'script' errors, but an indication that something is wrong with your configuration.
There are no error logs. I don't think I ever implied it was a mod problem. PHP Configuration of what?
The only thing that we are configuring here are your php scripts /files. There is nothing wrong with my "configuration" as the only time I get the 500 error is when I try to launch your import file.
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