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Links to HTML5/CSS3


Well-known member
I've run across a few great links in learning these and thought this would be a great resource link for those trying to learn it as well or needing refresher material.



I know that's the tip of the iceburg.
7th Edit: Added a major list in CSS 6:00 PM EDT 10/12/2010
8th Edit: Added all the links in the posts below. 10:30 AM EDT 11/05/2010
Wonderful share, lots of reading for us all, both good and bad but essentially required for XenForo work, thank you for your consideration of us. :)
Nice work Liz! That ought to keep us all busy whilst we wait
This is the list we have on irc.xenfans.com in #chat for css3

[11:45] Floris ?? css3
[11:45] database css3[1]*: http://css-tricks.com/attribute-selectors/
[11:45] database css3[2]*: http://www.impressivewebs.com/css3-click-chart/
[11:45] database css3[3]*: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/07/13/css-3-cheat-sheet-pdf/
[11:45] database css3[4]*: http://www.westciv.com/tools/gradients/
[11:45] database css3[5]*: http://css3generator.com/
[11:45] database css3[6]*: http://cssdesk.com/
[11:45] database css3[7]*: http://developer.apple.com/safaridemos/
[11:45] database css3[8]*: http://caniuse.com/#eras=past,now,near,far&cats=HTML5,DOM,CSS3&statuses=rec,pr,cr,wd,ietf
[11:45] database css3[9]*: http://jquerymobile.com/
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