i have a warez xenforo

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i have a warez xenforo, multiplayernet.it sorry :( I do not want trouble, you tell me how to buy the license andupgrade without losing the threads?
i'm italian, sorry for my wrong english.
i have a warez xenforo, multiplayernet.it sorry :( I do not wanttrouble,you tell mehow to buythe licenseandupgrade withoutlosing thethreads?
i'm italian, sorry for my wrong english.

I will answer you in Italian so there is no miscommunication.

In linea di principio quello che hai fatto è sbagliato.

Posso perdonare, posso capire quando qualcuno vuole vedere come sono calde le coperteprima di saltare sul letto ... io veramente possibile.

Il problema è che ... si esegue un sito che è completamente basato sul furto quando si scende ad esso.

Una cosa che non posso perdonare è il furto di proprietà delle persone di questa comunità. Se pensavate che xf è stato abbastanza buono per installare un tema che dovrebbe avereacquistato una licenza proprio lì e poi proceduto alla catena legale del modo in cui funzionano le cose con la normale attività. Si dovrebbe fare questo diritto nel più breve tempo possibile.

Sulla base di ciò che il vostro sito offre, per quanto i download sono interessati, non riesco a vedere molte persone solidali con la vostra situazione.

Conosco molte persone che gestiscono siti simili al vostro, la maggior parte di loro nonutilizzerà un forum per questo genere di cose e sono sicuro che offende molti a vedere una licenza illegale di xenforo utilizzato per purpetuate furto. Vorrei prendere in seria considerazione una nuova base per un forum se si piacerebbe davvero fare il passo educatoverso guadagnare conoscenze che si sommano alla capacità di creare una grande, invece dirubare conoscenza altrui compilato al fine di piggy-back successo di qualcun altro duro lavoro.

Io vi consiglio di provare a fare proprio quello che avete errored a. .. e su un livello personale, non avrei mai associare un sito pubblico con quello che stai facendo con il vostro.

Tutti meritano una chance ... e questo è il mio modo per dire che hai ancora una per fare le cose per bene.
Since you now decided to buy, I have absolutely no problem with you. I can actually understand it if you planned to buy after trying. Yes it is illegal trying, but no one gets hurt. People shouldn't go haywire over things like this like you're an unethical monster or something. Good luck and welcome to the forums.
I am glad you say you are buying a license, but it's nothing more than a promise until some moderator here confirms the user is showing up as a licensed one. Secondly, I find it pathetic you are willing to say sorry for English not being your first language, which appears to be on the same level of sorry for breaking copyright law; And then asking us to not 'denounce' you. I don't understand what the expected human response is supposed to be; Remorse? Because you buy a license?

It's like breaking into someone's house and using their stuff, and then leaving a note saying you're sorry and you will ask to borrow it in the future. Or date-raping someone and then ringing them saying you're sorry but you're now willing to be their friend.

If you're sorry, buy a license, pay for an extra year of support. Pay the fee for removing the copyright and then leaving it in. And pay them to install it on your site. It's not even 1% of what they could get if they would sue you for damages.

If you do not want to get 'denounced' by the community here for pirating it in the first place, maybe you shouldn't have posted the message in the first place. You should have realized that others here have invested quite a bit of money and resources into buying licenses and what not. It's simply irking me when I read this, and since it's a public discussion in a public forum, I see no reason why I can't express being upset over it. Especially when you start whining 'please do not be mean to me'.


Not only do you use plugins that are obviously pirated...
You're using a theme by someone I wonder if you downloaded it properly...
Not to mention it seems PC games are downloadable, for starters...
Oh, and the copyright of xenforo is removed from the footer...

I don't know how "sorry" you really are, if at all, nor am I personally convinced that you will invest a penny more than you technically owe them.

At what point did you go: Ok, I am "really" sorry for my actions, I want to do right .. Let's remove the pirated content from my site, restore the copyright in the footer, turn the site off .. until I get my license. Not only out of regret/remorse, but perhaps out of respect.

Your hosting provider doesn't seem to support hosting files that are infringing on copyright; http://misterdomain.eu/pdf/CondizioniGeneraliDiContratto.pdf Nor does the data center where misterdomain.eu is housed.

As 'mean' as I might sound now, or perhaps I upset/frustrate you with what I say. But you started a discussion about this very particular matter after we pay money for our license because we value it for what it's worth. And your argument is 'but I (might) pay for it soon', as if that suddenly makes everything alright.

I am not going to apologize for expressing myself louder than some others might wish to do in this thread.

Man up, ignore my comments, go to the purchase page, and invest in the future of your web site. You will end up sleeping better, and you will enjoy running a community that you can care for using software that's worth paying for. Then you don't have to feel bad getting comments like mine. Or get frustrated with not getting the remorse or whatever you were looking for.

Thank you for the opportunity to let me respond to your comment with my personal opinion of what I think about people pirating first, .... It's not like XenForo.com doesn't offer a demo you know ..
Nice, associating piracy with rape.

I can totally relate to your signature right this moment.
Floris was making a point. A very solid point. However, in today's PC world..there are bound to be those who are easily offended.
I also do not agree with the whole lynch mob attitude of many people on this forum. Yes, the OP pirated the software, but he is buying the license. Is it right for members of this forum to mob together to throw stones?

But no, there is never any reason to compare piracy to rape, and to compare it as such is inane and shows a pure lack of class.

Also, I do not agree with piracy in the slightest, having had my work ripped off time and time again. I however do not feel the need to berate every person who pirates and act like some form of Internet cop.
I don't view it so much as internet cop....but more as a community letting it be known that as a collaborative whole...we do not like people stealing from the community.

If your addon or theme was being used on his site , I would say the same in your honor.

I don't want anyone stealing from here...and at the same time I don't want a potential legit customer of this site or it's members to leave because they feel attacked.

I only found out about forums one day because of a member of this forum who was running a software title at the time which was popular. I went from there to "the usual places" and downloaded a copy and got some free hosting and tested the waters. The person who was running the site had something going on that allowed me to take part in something a bunch of people were going to burn to a disc and put in their (gaming console) and I could think to myself "I helped there". That felt good...so good in fact that I donated to the site running (unnamed forum software) and then bought a legal copy of (said software) and never ran a real site with the license and just sold it recently because of some dirtbaggery that surrounds them that I wish not to be associated with.

In the end what I am saying is I was one of those pirates. (though if you want to get technical I find the name pirate offensive because pirates plunder pillage and rape...rather I illegally downloaded that software and it made me feel the need to go buy it.)

I agree the rape thing was a little much but the point holds water, the only difference being that if a person is using stolen goods and is willing to make good on it we should have nothing bad left to say to him once he makes good on his word because as long as he pays for it the issue is done where as rape causes permanent damage. My mother was raped when she was young...nothing Floris said offended me as it was meant as comparison with the correlation slightly cloudy. On the other side of things if I were alive to hear someone I cared about saying someone raped them...going to jail would be freedom for that attacker assuming I didn't get myself sent to the same correctional facility....so I agree with your point 100%, rape is too serious to be compared to in a public fashion in this way.

However before we set a bad example and start fighting in front of people that we are trying to help come to an understanding..we should all just agree that if the op is as good as his word then all parties slighted by this instance of downloading will be compensated for and we will have one more member happy to be here. This would also mean one more person advocating going legit.

The last thing this place needs is longtime members fighting with each other.
I don't view it so much as internet cop....but more as a community letting it be known that as a collaborative whole...we do not like people stealing from the community.

If your addon or theme was being used on his site , I would say the same in your honor.

I don't want anyone stealing from here...and at the same time I don't want a potential legit customer of this site or it's members to leave because they feel attacked.

I only found out about forums one day because of a member of this forum who was running a software title at the time which was popular. I went from there to "the usual places" and downloaded a copy and got some free hosting and tested the waters. The person who was running the site had something going on that allowed me to take part in something a bunch of people were going to burn to a disc and put in their (gaming console) and I could think to myself "I helped there". That felt good...so good in fact that I donated to the site running (unnamed forum software) and then bought a legal copy of (said software) and never ran a real site with the license and just sold it recently because of some dirtbaggery that surrounds them that I wish not to be associated with.

In the end what I am saying is I was one of those pirates. (though if you want to get technical I find the name pirate offensive because pirates plunder pillage and rape...rather I illegally downloaded that software and it made me feel the need to go buy it.)

I agree the rape thing was a little much but the point holds water, the only difference being that if a person is using stolen goods and is willing to make good on it we should have nothing bad left to say to him once he makes good on his word because as long as he pays for it the issue is done where as rape causes permanent damage. My mother was raped when she was young...nothing Floris said offended me as it was meant as comparison with the correlation slightly cloudy. On the other side of things if I were alive to hear someone I cared about saying someone raped them...going to jail would be freedom for that attacker assuming I didn't get myself sent to the same correctional facility....so I agree with your point 100%, rape is too serious to be compared to in a public fashion in this way.

However before we set a bad example and start fighting in front of people that we are trying to help come to an understanding..we should all just agree that if the op is as good as his word then all parties slighted by this instance of downloading will be compensated for and we will have one more member happy to be here. This would also mean one more person advocating going legit.

The last thing this place needs is longtime members fighting with each other.

He isn't stealing anything from us "the community" he was stealing from XenForo Ltd, also I agree with everything that Forsaken said.
This reminds me of something... piracy can give a company a competitive advantage and possibly more revenue in the long run:

"Lesser evil" concept

By some of software producers , illegally copying software is seen as a "lesser evil" than actually buying or illegally copying a competitor's software. Jeff Raikes, a Microsoft executive, stated that "If they're going to pirate somebody, we want it to be us rather than somebody else." He also added [8] that "We understand that in the long run the fundamental asset is the installed base of people who are using our products. What you hope to do over time is convert them to licensing the software." In a different case, Microsoft has admitted that piracy of its Windows operating system has helped give it huge market share in China that will boost its revenues when these users "go legit." Bill Gates said, "It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than when there's not."[9] He has also said in reference to China:

As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.
—Bill Gates[10]

In other words; at least he wasn't 'stealing' from vB or IPB...
I'll give you a second to realize we don't own XenForo or the style he may be using illegally.

Do you not care if someone else loses money...even if it may effect you in the long run? Would you not help a victim of a crime given the chance?

Not that I feel the need to defend myself...but for conversations sake...to translate the last line of my message to the OP..
Everyone deserves a chance...and this is my way of saying that you still have one to make things right.

I belong to a HUGE filesharing community. Because I care....there is NO nulled copies of xf on the network there. In fact the only way you can have a file removd from these servers and them respect it is if you are the file owner. I contacted the admin there and plead them my case which they heard with a very open mind and they ensured me as a loyal member to their site and (not the owner of said material)...ALL attempts to share XF there would be squashed. 1 year and not even a stutter-step on that promise to me. That is caring. That is what the people who voice here are doing ...just in their own way in a different situation.

There was no mob mentality in what I said to him in his native tongue to make sure HE understood what I meant for him to. If there is any solemness in his words he will do as he has said.

Do you not care if someone else loses money...even if it may effect you in the long run? Would you not help a victim of a crime given the chance?

Not that I feel the need to defend myself...but for conversations sake...to translate the last line of my message to the OP..
Everyone deserves a chance...and this is my way of saying that you still have one to make things right.

I belong to a HUGE filesharing community. Because I care....there is NO nulled copies of xf on the network there. In fact the only way you can have a file removd from these servers and them respect it is if you are the file owner. I contacted the admin there and plead them my case which they heard with a very open mind and they ensured me as a loyal member to their site and (not the owner of said material)...ALL attempts to share XF there would be squashed. 1 year and not even a stutter-step on that promise to me. That is caring. That is what the people who voice here are doing ...just in their own way in a different situation.

There was no mob mentality in what I said to him in his native tongue to make sure HE understood what I meant for him to. If there is any solemness in his words he will do as he has said.

For what ever reason you changed your subject I do not know, but it is none of our business if people use nulled/warez copies of XenForo, Kier/Mike/Ashley will handle it however they handle it, we have no jurisdiction of the case.

Also once he buys his copy of XenForo, XenForo Ltd will not have lost money, as they are getting the money they should have received when he first made his site (or before that).

Also to be honest, bringing up the filesharing community story wasn't really necessary, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which by I said in the first quote/reply I made in this thread was that Floris comparing this to rape or anything else like that was uncalled for.
Equating software piracy to rape or sexual assault is highly insensitive, and I am staggered that anyone would do so .

Anyone who has been, or knows anyone who has been sexually assaulted will be massively insulted by the trivializing of what is a deadly serious issue.

You cannot equate what is in effect petty theft to a violent personally shattering crime that carries life imprisonment or even the death penalty in most countries.

Good grief, it is not being Over PC, or easily offended, it is just common decency.
I would tend to agree, having been the victim of just such a crime.

Wow, me thinks that the OP is getting exactly what he planned when he made his post.
He's probably sitting back laughing.
For what ever reason you changed your subject I do not know, but it is none of our business if people use nulled/warez copies of XenForo, Kier/Mike/Ashley will handle it however they handle it, we have no jurisdiction of the case.

Also once he buys his copy of XenForo, XenForo Ltd will not have lost money, as they are getting the money they should have received when he first made his site (or before that).

Also to be honest, bringing up the filesharing community story wasn't really necessary, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which by I said in the first quote/reply I made in this thread was that Floris comparing this to rape or anything else like that was uncalled for.

What does jurisdiction have to do with anything....I'm talking about moral fiber here.

Yeah, once he buys it...and when he pay's for the theme if he continues to use it then all will be amended...but only once that happens. Words are words until they become actions. Until then I will share my experience with him as I see fit.

Unfortunately you can not see how a file-sharing site removing a title correlates to a "WAREZ Xenforo" because I care and expanded on that idea to them and how that is relevant to caring enough to do what you can and I would have no way to explain it beyond that.

Ok since you don't want to change the subject...let's go back to the imaginary rape victim that got focused on earlier....would you not have not helped her if you could in imaginationland where that "offensive and classless<sarcasm>" rape occurred and became the focus of an attack on a long time member.

I dunno you know what, your right...I'm all set.

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