How far is the public release of XF Resource Manager?

I have a question about the Resource Manager, will it make selling styles easier with people without their own website and shopping cart? Sort of like IP.Downloads + IP.Nexus?
Truthfully, if you're going to be selling styles it is much more professional to sell them on your own site with a cart so you can manage licenses and updates much easier.
Truthfully, if you're going to be selling styles it is much more professional to sell them on your own site with a cart so you can manage licenses and updates much easier.
I think that's what he was asking... when the resource manager is available for HIS site.
Now that RC1 has been released, bug reports are almost down to a handful, I have a feeling that the team is working on the Resource Manager which they may make available on this site very soon.
XenForo said:
I'm happy to reveal that we have been working on this system, and its first phase is almost ready to roll out.

That was 6 months ago, so hopefully we'll get to see it in action on here relatively soon after 1.1 is done and dusted.

I'm not familiar with other forum software in detail and their add ons to compare, but I'm wondering if we can we expect this to be a paid add on? And if so do the other boards have add ons like this available and what are their prices?
Just look at the screenshot again and pay attention to the breadcum, you will see it is Home -> Resources instead of the traditional addon which will be Home ->Forum -> Resource

So I have high hope that this will be installed on the same level as the forum instead of a child of the forum, path-wise.

Hello everyone, I am eagerly awaiting the release of the official Resources add-on. As i will be using it as a shop instead of a downloads add-on but none the less it will be great to finally have it, I'm jus wondering is anyone can give me any info on the status?
Hello everyone, I am eagerly awaiting the release of the official Resources add-on. As i will be using it as a shop instead of a downloads add-on but none the less it will be great to finally have it, I'm jus wondering is anyone can give me any info on the status?

Even once it's released here you will still have to wait to use it on your site as it's meant to only be for at first and then released as an addon IIRC.

In the last post is the resource manager and a picture. How is that coming along? I haven't heard anything a out it for awhile now.

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