Google Question Hub - Is this the beginning of Google Forums?

Sal Collaziano

Well-known member
i did a quick review for some of my keywords...

the questions people ask... lol no wonder there's no result for it. idiots asking about putting parts from X mfg'er into Y mfg'er like it will just bolt up.
or 'i dropped a bolt in the hole, how do i get it out? use some plyers or a magnet. lol

society is doomed.
'i dropped a bolt in the hole, how do i get it out? use some plyers or a magnet. lol

I mean, it may sounds stupid and easy to you, but that kind of content sounds very similar to a lot of the DIY tips and tricks content on YouTube, where it might be a lot more generalised there, and not as discoverable when the query is more tightly bound to your specific niche.

For some people when they read your reply of suggesting to use a magnet they may think it's genius because it's so simple but never crossed their mind.
It's just the specifics about the way it was asked that had me shaking my head.

Yeah, I get that. That's probably where this tool actually gives some really interesting insight as to what newbies are searching for in a specific niche and how.

I'm guess part of the hilarity of reading some of these searches is when you know the correct terminology, but you're seeing how new users are trying to describe a problem without having any knowledge about the niche or it's terminology or basic fundamentals, such as interoperability of parts between brands. Sometimes when you take certain basics for granted, especially as someone experienced in your niche, you might not be accommodating an untapped portion of the search traffic, which seems to be what this tool is trying to solve.
But do you want them landing on the site as a guest increasing your analytics stats and ad revenue while they get the answer to their ridiculous question? And then getting educated and involved as they further browse your site and then contributing themselves as their knowledge and enthusiasm grows?
This is more a Yahoo Answers/Quora competitor, than an actual forum competitor. It doesn't really work for long form content or in-depth discussions, which is where I've always put the focus on communities at.
Google drops the ball constantly. Everything i've ever liked from them they screw up.


Google Wave

Google Health

Even Google phone sucks more than it should.

The way I see it is our "answers" are being published on Google so that people asking questions there never need to visit our forums - and now when our forums don't have the answers, they create the questions to get the answers. Pretty soon there will be no more organic traffic coming from Google.
from what i saw, google show you questions that people have asked. and they are asking you to post answers to them on your own website and post that link on their platform as answers.


it's possible that google might show an excerpt of the content on your website right on the search result page as they do for Q&A which is already supported by xenforo.
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