General 2.3 discussion

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I have a job where I do nothing but hear complaints all day. Please, at least regarding my hobby (in my case xf), can you open these discussions in your personal forums and let us enjoy all this news in peace? A thousand thanks.
So, all you are supposed to hear on this site is sunshine and roses? ;)
There will always be good with bad. Luckily, in the grand scheme of things, XF has been overall good. Of course, if one is going to be realistic, not every choice that any developer makes pleases everyone... but as license holders they should be able to voice their position(s). And not every license holder is going to be concerned with kissing the ring of the developers.
It does seem that skins are much thinner now than in the past.... I wonder if that itself says something important.

I really hope that there is some news about search/content discovery enhancements using already existent features (5+ years 110 votes).
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I don't use custom fields on any of my forums. In fact, none of the forums I frequent make use of custom fields. For those who use them, sure, I can see how a search for them would be nice but I can't imagine that a majority of forum owners even make use of custom fields. Again, I admit that I could be wrong...
I use custom fields extensively with 3rd party add-ons like Showcase and RMS and if I had resources manager I'm sure I'd use them there. They're extremely useful.
I use custom fields extensively with 3rd party add-ons like Showcase and RMS and if I had resources manager I'm sure I'd use them there. They're extremely useful.
Custom fields with filters are as useful as subforums and prefixes.
If SSO, which was the highest voted suggestion of all time with 346 votes, is only for a sub set of license holders, what does that say about suggestions with 50 votes?

A is a subset of alphabet. B is a subset of alphabet. C is a subset of alphabet.

I’m sick to death of an even smaller subset shouting the loudest. We’ll continue to do what we’re doing in the manner that we feel is best, and if you don’t like it

Yes it's always a few that really stand out to an admin. But... thick skin, it's good to keep in mind other forum regulars don't pay as much attention to them, and we notice it just because it's our forum.

suffice to say, there are many user interface related improvements that have been out for upwards of a decade that have not been acted upon
I think that is absolutely beautiful, the amount of passion you have about XenForo and the product. I think it would be great if you made a web page table that tracks suggestions and shows ones you think are most important so that we can vote on them and get them the attention they require. We could definitely use a system where we can just group all the suggestions per category. So we can look at all admin CP style editor suggestions all at once for example.
We could definitely use a system where we can just group all the suggestions per category.
If you can come up with a list of 20 or so categories which accurately encompass the over 1,000 open suggestions, without requiring multiple categories, I will definitely consider implementing prefixes for that.

We tried it with add-ons in the RM but it doesn't work that well so was dropped.
There was too much overlap and submissions were routinely added to the wrong category.
If you can come up with a list of 20 or so categories which accurately encompass the over 1,000 open suggestions, without requiring multiple categories, I will definitely consider implementing prefixes for that.
Well, tags would be more useful. I don't see a way to filter suggestion forums for tags nor search a particular forum for tags, only how to search absolutely everything for a particular tag.

New suggestion time?

My idea is we need an off-site system for this specializing in issue tracking etc.
In the upcoming weeks, we might delve into a few more miscellaneous changes and improvements and provide a more developer-centric round up. However, our primary goal is to have XenForo 2.3 up and running on by the end of November. Beyond that milestone, we're excited to share a couple more surprises with you, which will include an overview of the latest enhancements in XenForo Resource Manager, Enhanced Search, and Media Gallery 2.3.
Reading between the tea leaves here it sounds like there are maybe two more HYS's?

IIRC wasn't the final HYS for 2.2 announcing that it was actually running here?
The releases are independent of each other.
They maybe independent of each other but you need to remember @Chris D comment in last week’s HYS thread that they’re planning to release 2.3 shortly as in by the end of this month. He also did say that 2.2.14 was to be released before 2.3 in another HYS thread.
They maybe independent of each other but you need to remember @Chris D comment in last week’s HYS thread that they’re planning to release 2.3 shortly as in by the end of this month. He also did say that 2.2.14 was to be released before 2.3 in another HYS thread.
...Brogan is going to have more information and be more aware of any release schedule compared to anyone else as he has direct access to the developers (and possibly access to developer communication logs).

They could be focusing on 2.3, and then backporting one of the changes to 2.2.14, which is common when you are close to the end of a release cycle.
Regretfully, I’m not going to have time to finish this week’s have you seen.

The scope of it is somewhat bigger than I hoped and I haven’t had as much time to work on it as I’d hoped.

To quell any fear of missing out, this week’s is entirely dev focused and doesn’t really have much in the way of new things that we haven’t already discussed elsewhere.

I won’t promise it for tomorrow but I’ll definitely get it out this week.
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