XF 2.0 Fatal error today


Active member
No one was working in cpanel or in admin...and this happened:

Fatal error: Cannot access property Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::$prefixLengthsPsr4 in /home/wisconsi/public_html/src/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php on line 291

Fatal error: Class '\XF\App' not found in /home/wisconsi/public_html/src/XF.php on line 315

Any ideas ?
That would seem to indicate that files have changed unexpectedly or PHP is in a very odd state. I could really only recommend reuploading the files.
That would seem to indicate that files have changed unexpectedly or PHP is in a very odd state. I could really only recommend reuploading the files.

No one was working on the back end at the time however my host had to upgrade to php 7.0 to get the backup to load, another odd thing two other fatal errors reported here were related to themehouse themes. After my back ups reloaded everything I had a themehouse add on I deleted reappear ?
That would seem to indicate that files have changed unexpectedly or PHP is in a very odd state. I could really only recommend reuploading the files.

Definitely bizarre.

I initially approached it as a file permissions issue. Checked them all. Second step was a file issue, so I restored the files from yesterday's backup. Still did not fix the issue.

The only thing that fixed the problem was upgrading his account to PHP 7. There are several other xF forums on that server running 5.6 still (which is what Mark87's was running initially) without any problem at all.

My only guess is that some add-on or something is running code that is only PHP 7 compliant, but no clue. This is a weird one.
Last night I had the same error, autoload_static.php on line 291.
I reported that the website was down to my hosting company. They denied they changed anything in the server configuration. But today the website started working again without any action on my side. Strange.
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