[EAE] BumperRM [Deleted]


Well-known member
Lawrence submitted a new resource:

[EAE] BumperRM - Allow members to bump theirs, or others, resources to the top of the list.

BumperRM is a free add-on that requires the Bumper (paid) add-on. It is why it can only be downloaded from eaeaddons.com.


BumperRM adds new permissions to give members the the option to bump their own, or others, resources to the top of the resource list. You can also set when the bump expires. Expired bumped resources will fall back in their proper order as if they were never bumped.

BumperRM does not modify any resource tables. If you un-install this add-on...

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Last edited:
Lawrence updated [EAE] BumperRM with a new update entry:

New options, permissions, and changes.

Requires Bumper v1.1


  • added the option Display members remaining bump count when viewing a resource category. If checked, the members' remaining bump count will be displayed above the list of resources. This will cause one additional query on category view. Defaulted to not checked
  • added the option Display members remaining bump count when viewing a resource. Defaulted to checked
  • added permission A resource can...

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Lawrence updated [EAE] BumperRM with a new update entry:

New option, and changes

Bumper RM v1.2.0 was an internal release only. This update includes 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 changes.

  • resource bumps per day permission is now a resource category permission. As a result of this change the Resource bumps per day permission needs to be set for each resource category that allows resources to be bumped. This adds more flexibility assigning bumps per day (see option below).
  • the info/feedback messages bumper RM generates now use the...

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