[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce

[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid] 3.4.0

No permission to buy ($29.95)
I think that determining the discount period of the product is a feature that should already be there.
It would be very useful to promote it to google.

It would also be useful to define "shippingDetails" and "hasMerchantReturnPolicy" fields to google by adding them (maybe in has your add-on).

I wrote what I saw and the rest is your business but it will benefit you and those of us who want to use it.
Is it difficult to print something like "no shipping"? (I'm asking because I really don't know.) I already want to use it completely for "digital products". of course you have to think in general.
Is it difficult to print something like "no shipping"? (I'm asking because I really don't know.) I already want to use it completely for "digital products". of course you have to think in general.
Yes, that would be very difficult indeed, since that is invalid markup. This is the structure in question:
        "shippingDetails": {
          "@type": "OfferShippingDetails",
          "shippingRate": {
            "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
            "value": 3.49,
            "currency": "USD"
          "shippingDestination": {
            "@type": "DefinedRegion",
            "addressCountry": "US"
          "deliveryTime": {
            "@type": "ShippingDeliveryTime",
            "handlingTime": {
              "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
              "minValue": 0,
              "maxValue": 1,
              "unitCode": "DAY"
            "transitTime": {
              "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
              "minValue": 1,
              "maxValue": 5,
              "unitCode": "DAY"
OfferShippingDetails is its own markup, writing "No shipping" would not work.

This is why it is bad to blindly add all optional fields, as you can lock yourself into markup that literally cannot be defined for certain product types.
I understand. thank you for the detailed replies. I think you have found it logical to make the necessary revisions for the discount. did I understand correctly?
DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This version adds support for obtaining cookie consent for 3rd party payment profiles, as well as standardising the way payment profiles are loaded to match the XenForo default code.

Lastly, an issue with the new shipping formula variable (previously hotfixed into v3.3.2) has now been permanently resolved.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Add support for cookie consent for payment profiles
Change: Standardise payment profile...

Read the rest of this update entry...
In this plugin, is it possible to set a discount on all products for a certain group of users?
You can create a coupon and use the coupon's user group permissions to restrict it either to a user group, or to individual users (same way you can restrict forum permissions). There is currently no way to make a sale only apply to certain user groups.
Does this addon have functionality for offering and processing sales for dropshipping or affiliate products?
Dropshipping means that I sell something in my e-commerce store and the buyer pays me, but another company ships the goods to the customer. I don't hold any stock or do any shipping.
Its a good way for communities to make money, without having to do much else than adding the products to the store. The customer buys the products. The system alerts the dropshipper that they need to ship the product to the custom. The supplier sends an invoice to the admin for their products and services.

Dropshipping is much more effective than affiliate sales, because the sales take place on the site. And therefore result in higher income.
Dropshipping means that I sell something in my e-commerce store and the buyer pays me, but another company ships the goods to the customer. I don't hold any stock or do any shipping.
Its a good way for communities to make money, without having to do much else than adding the products to the store. The customer buys the products. The system alerts the dropshipper that they need to ship the product to the custom. The supplier sends an invoice to the admin for their products and services.

Dropshipping is much more effective than affiliate sales, because the sales take place on the site. And therefore result in higher income.
There’s no specific integration with anything like that, but you could just use normal physical products and pass the shipping info off.
Sorry, I don’t understand the question. When you sell a digital download, the pricing tiers define the license length.
Hey thanks for your quick awnser! I mean when entering it in this license field:

To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
For more detailed information, see our cookies page.

Edit: I basically want people to be able to purchase a pre-set license key and give that a specific duration until the customer role is removed. The download should either be included in the license or should be found in the forum in a node.
Last edited:
Hey thanks for your quick awnser! I mean when entering it in this license field:

To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
For more detailed information, see our cookies page.

Edit: I basically want people to be able to purchase a pre-set license key and give that a specific duration until the customer role is removed. The download should either be included in the license or should be found in the forum in a node.
There is no option for serial keys to have an expiry date, because it doesn't make sense for someone to purchase access to a software license key only for them to not be able to see that key again if they don't write it down.
There is no option for serial keys to have an expiry date, because it doesn't make sense for someone to purchase access to a software license key only for them to not be able to see that key again if they don't write it down.
Yes I mean it should still show the license key for them, but remove the customer role. Is that possible in any way? Thanks!
Yes I mean it should still show the license key for them, but remove the customer role. Is that possible in any way? Thanks!
No, temporary user groups are only used for "Digital" products, not "Serial key" products, as digital product licenses can have expiry dates.
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