Current Litigation

This thread would be great for 'Shout-Box/Chatter-Box', as venting nothing about nothing creates great content for a forum.

Read The Following Below
Yeah I know its off-topic forum, but this is useless waste of your own time. Your better off making xF a better place by contributing to it or not buying anything IB promotes in the forums they own.
I don't mind at all :rolleyes:

No, I'm never offended by you rude, insensitive Aussies. :p

CA courts do not have jurisdiction over this matter .. that's the first thing a good attorney would do. Challenge the venue ;)
My quote on
I don't think any investors comes on vBulletin to see how its customers feel. Your best bet would be to start posting your concerns in areas that stock holders will see and read. Start sending emails / posts to newspapers, magazines, news agency's, stock trading forums, etc... The only way you are going to hurt IB is to have there stock lose value. So get there word out to as many places you can!!!!
My apologies to any sensitive Americans who might be offended.

All three of you :p



I think I have the right number of zeros.

This would be the percentage of Americans Dragonfly offended.

3 of 307,006,550.

I offend more than that waking up in the morning.

haha. I was just editing a post on VB's site and got the Database error message. It appears has crashed.

Edit: it comes up with a 'too many connections' mySQL error.

Nice Error Handling VB...

Just at vB
[B]Warning[/B]: mysql_connect() [[URL='']function.mysql-connect[/URL]]: Too many connections in [B]/classes/Database.php[/B] on line [B]107[/B]
error initializing page.
Please refrain from using insulting terms for other companies (and their employees).
That's going to be pretty difficult considering the strength of feeling here.
I respectfully request that I be granted limited permission to post a measured insult in response to the latest news, please. (Like I did over at

Meanwhile everyone should remember that the contents of the published US case are intended to paint Kier in the worst light possible, and it *is* only one side of the story.
I don't think IB will win their suit anyway...I am sure Xenforo owners can show enough evidence that this product is their own.
Let's talk about something else. This is pointless. No, really, it's completely and utterly pointless.

We cannot do or say anything to effect the legal process and Kier will no doubt update us when there's something interesting happening.

In the meantime ... why doesn't everyone spend the time they would have spent on this thread, going off and creating a link to xF from one or more of their sites; or reporting a bug; or making a suggestion for improving xF; anything, other than the idle and aimless speculation about something none of us can do anything about.

Do something supportive, productive, and positive; and if those links turn into license sales it can only be good for xF and for it's ability to pay legal fees; if those squashed bugs make xF a better product, great for us and for the future of xF; if that suggestion turns into a much-loved key feature of xF, then that's another win too.

Don't play into their hands by getting distracted from the prize - close this thread, and do something positive for xF today. The prize will come in time, and be all the sweeter for not stooping to their level!

All hail xF - KING of the forums!!! (well, maybe the Princess at the moment, but give it a little while and it'll soon be up there with the Greats... :D)

Shaun :D
I seriously don't think this should be discussed here at all.
I think this thread should be watched very closely.

Why do you believe that ?

My point stands however, it is bad form in the least to persist when you have been asked not to.

You can take it literally or his intention. I take it as we should not be discussing the case and to leave that to the lawyers. Just my opinion.

Please refrain from using insulting terms for other companies (and their employees).

That's going to be pretty difficult considering the strength of feeling here.
I respectfully request that I be granted limited permission to post a measured insult in response to the latest news, please. (Like I did over at

I quite amazes me that people apparently feel the need to discuss matters even if Kier Darby has specifically stated to 'please refrain as far as possible from speculating upon aspects of the case that are not yet public knowledge'. Yes, it is now public knowledge, so if you take this statement literally you maybe have a point now in wanting to discuss it. But why? What good will it bring? I have read the document (and even was in doubt of doing that, because I felt like I was putting my nose in someone's private/personal (work)life) and I fail to see why such details ought to be discussed on these company forums... the company that is actually (shamefully) dragged to court. If I would be the owner of these forums and be heavily involved in such a case myself, I wouldn't want any details to be discussed either. Isn't that perfectly understandable? Why do people persist in following their own needs instead of simply respecting what has been asked? For me it's indeed what Steven S says: regardless of any information now published, it is the intention one should consider.

Why do people request permission to post 'measured insults' if they have been specifically asked NOT to, by the managing XenForo staff? (However, I very much agree with Stuarts' latest feedback in the current discussion over at, I think his statement says it all). I perfectly understand that people are angry (so am I, very much) and want to vent their strong feelings/thoughts. This is natural. So is having respect for the interest of other people in this case (literally and figuratively)...
Let's talk about something else. This is pointless. No, really, it's completely and utterly pointless.

We cannot do or say anything to effect the legal process and Kier will no doubt update us when there's something interesting happening.

In the meantime ... why doesn't everyone spend the time they would have spent on this thread, going off and creating a link to xF from one or more of their sites; or reporting a bug; or making a suggestion for improving xF; anything, other than the idle and aimless speculation about something none of us can do anything about.

Do something supportive, productive, and positive; and if those links turn into license sales it can only be good for xF and for it's ability to pay legal fees; if those squashed bugs make xF a better product, great for us and for the future of xF; if that suggestion turns into a much-loved key feature of xF, then that's another win too.

Don't play into their hands by getting distracted from the prize - close this thread, and do something positive for xF today. The prize will come in time, and be all the sweeter for not stooping to their level!

All hail xF - KING of the forums!!! (well, maybe the Princess at the moment, but give it a little while and it'll soon be up there with the Greats... :D)

Shaun :D

Respectfully, I disagree with the close the thread sentiment (unless Kier feels it is appropriate to do so). This thread has been remarkably restrained (on my part out of respect for Kier's request to keep speculation to a minimum). That said, I think it is natural for people to be upset and want to discuss. Probably better to keep it "in house" and controlled rather than in other places where the commentary may not be moderated. I have been very vocal in the "other sides" invited place to comment. And there, I have pointed out the very serious deficiencies in the complaint. As long as they allow me to comment and point out their legal shortcomings, I will do so. But, I won't do that here because it was not invited. Still, I think this is a healthy discussion and lets people express their feelings. Still, if Kier or the mods feel this is not a good thing, I respect the "house rules." Outside of my personal views on the issue, I have a great amount of respect for the restraint and tone shown on

All of that aside, I agree with the sentiment to support XF any way possible. I hate bullying and I hate those who abuse legal process for illegitimate reasons.
Respectfully, I disagree with the close the thread sentiment (unless Kier feels it is appropriate to do so). This thread has been remarkably restrained (on my part out of respect for Kier's request to keep speculation to a minimum). That said, I think it is natural for people to be upset and want to discuss. Probably better to keep it "in house" and controlled rather than in other places where the commentary may not be moderated. I have been very vocal in the "other sides" invited place to comment. And there, I have pointed out the very serious deficiencies in the complaint. As long as they allow me to comment and point out their legal shortcomings, I will do so. But, I won't do that here because it was not invited. Still, I think this is a healthy discussion and lets people express their feelings. Still, if Kier or the mods feel this is not a good thing, I respect the "house rules." Outside of my personal views on the issue, I have a great amount of respect for the restraint and tone shown on

All of that aside, I agree with the sentiment to support XF any way possible. I hate bullying and I hate those who abuse legal process for illegitimate reasons.
The discussion continues on in the licensed feedback section away from public view. I don't understand why IB lets it continue except to provide a sandbox for everyone or to provide fodder for their legal staff.
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