Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.0

No permission to buy (€29.99)
Hey. Just updated the addon. Have been very happy with this since xF 1.5 days.

And user just pointed out to me that some of the font awesome icons seem to be missing?

According the the screenshots, there should be an icon there, which leads to the "Help" -menu.
I've just completed a user account merge and noticed that chat messages associated with a pre-merged source account were not updated to the merge target account. Should they be? This is with the latest version of chat (2.1.22). Thanks :).
No worries. Account merges don't happen too often. I manually changed each of the source account messages to the target account & recalculated their chat message count :).

I've encountered a small bug with the chat real-time editor (RTE) where when toggled off it cannot be re-enabled directly in chat. If an instance of the Froala editor outside of chat was left with Toggle BB code on (RTE disabled), because chat doesn't show the Toggle BB code button it is impossible to reactivate the RTE there. A workaround for this RTE disabled issue is to navigate to something like thread quick reply, click Toggle BB code and then reload chat. RTE is then enabled.

Secondly, the chat image uploads button appears when editing a regular forum post (also confirmed on your demo chat - it is the last button in the third group behind the more options gadget).

Lastly, only a trivial inconvenience however I am unable to enlarge posted images in lightbox view inside the Chat archive (confirmed on your demo chat).
I've encountered a small bug with the chat real-time editor (RTE) where when toggled off it cannot be re-enabled directly in chat.
There is an admin option called "Enable editor BB code toggle button" to display it.

The other issues will be fixed in the next release.
Is it possible to manually delete individual messages from the archive?

Didn't find anything about it in the permissions, and I'm unable to delete individual messages in the archive. I can like, link, or report them, but no delete buttons when I mouse hover.

I've been experimenting with two changes to the Chat image uploads dialog, template siropu_chat_editor_dialog_chat. One change is having uploaded images styled as squares just like XF2.2's attachment interface changes. The other is new text that tells the user how many image uploads they are allowed to have ($xf.visitor.canUploadSiropuChatImages()). I think this is a nice enhancement for my own site, but could it also be a good fit for official inclusion? 🙂


Hi all....

I hope someone can help me understand what to do .... what should I do to receive a warning or a sound, from my firefox browser, when I receive a message in chat, and I am in another website?

thanks in advance

Is there anyway to limit the number of room participants?
I can add it in the next release.

what should I do to receive a warning or a sound, from my firefox browser, when I receive a message in chat, and I am in another website?
Make sure that you have set the user group permissions so you can use chat user settings from where you can enable sounds and other options.
I've enabled the Change settings in the Usergroup and notifications and sounds work when my active tab is my site. They aren't working when I have a different site or tab loaded, wondering if that's normal?

Using Firefox..
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Make sure that you have set the user group permissions so you can use chat user settings from where you can enable sounds and other options.
Thanks for your reply..... @Siropu

I have all enabled, both in preference of my account, and in chat options ...... then I also activated notification permissions in Firefox ..... but you don't have worked, so it's a issue to solve?

How do you mention above right?
How to add the Thread Prefix before the Thread Title when the bot posts the chat notification? Which php file should I look into to get started?
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