
Calendar 6.1

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Thread Tools > Calendar Add MISSING ??

Not sure what the issue is...I have my Admin permissions set correctly (allow/allow/allow) and yet, the Thread Tools > Calendar Add option isn't present...

ideas on where to start?
Hi, do you remember how you solved this problem?
Hey AndyB!

Calendar is great thanks.

I know most members won't add event themselves, but a few of mine are and if it was easier to find the add button, more might too.

I placed a link on the calendar to "add events" (which I linked to the the forum where most of the events get created) beside the "submit button but I don't know how to make it the same button you made the submit one. Any future updates to add a button for members to add events in calendar view?
I added the href line here in the "andy_calendar" template and it worked nicely:

 <input type="submit" value="View" class="button primary" accesskey="s" />
        <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}" />                   
        <a href="" class="button primary">Add Event Here</a>     
    <div style="float: right;">
Is it possible to show the events for the same day in the sideblocks random Andy?
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i seem to be having an issue with this resource where it squashes the users avatar

im not sure how to fix this, any help
i seem to be having an issue with this resource where it squashes the users avatar

im not sure how to fix this, any help
A page URL where this is happening would be useful ... then people can inspect the CSS to see what's going on. (y)
Not sure if it's an issue with the theme you are using but try changing the width of the sidebar calendar thread title from 100% to 80%
.calendarevents_thread_title {
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px;
    width: 80%;

You should be able to add this to the EXTRA.css template to test it.

Shaun :D
Hello :)

First of all many thanks for that calendar feature. I am in the middle of creating a new site for my racing community and I got a little question :)

Is it possible to display a picture under the event? Like this:

Or to display a picture like here?

Many thanks in advance!

Greetings from Germany,
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Sorry if this is obvious but I just installed the calendar and am wondering how to get it to show up? i see it in options but im a bit lost trying to find where to make it live?
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