BB Code Manager: BB Code XML Repository


in memoriam 1991-2020
I have started this thread as a central place to store any & all BB code XML files that are meant to be imported into my BB Code Manager, the link may be found in my signature. I may start to create a list in this post for easy access. But, alas, release away!
powered by flowplayer


First you must install this addon.

contains basically the same bbcodes but it is for manually adding remote videos of a known domain/path/to/ (flv mp4 mv4)

If your forum is installed in a sub-directory you will need to edit the bbcodes simple replacement start.
<a class="xxmPlayer"      href="/data/media/
If I installed xenforo in I would add /forum to the href...
<a class="xxmPlayer"      href="/forum/data/media/

Do this for all xxmp bbcodes.


I did actually tweak them a bit so I've just uploaded the new versions.
Nothing major, just some padding.
How long ago did you upload the zips? I literally just downloaded them maybe 15 minutes ago and want to make sure I don't re-import them if I don't have to.
To be honest I can't remember :oops:

I'm usually working on umpteen different tasks at once so keeping track is tricky :D
To be honest I can't remember :oops:

I'm usually working on umpteen different tasks at once so keeping track is tricky :D
HA! I can feel that ,I had made a bunch of bbcodes and didn't realize I was saving them over ones that I also had just when I took the time to see what I had done....I found that I had one bbcode completed :)

Maybe we could add a XenSec mod to be your digital secretary :p
Here is the bbcode for the trailer website I had this for a while and wanted to share.


- Upload the content of the Upload folder to your xenforo root.
- In your admin panel; Go to BB Code Manager - Import New BB Code
- Upload the .xml file.
- Use [trailer]9319[/trailer] to show trailer.

The ID can easily be found by searching the trailer page's source for "emd". After emd is the trailers ID. There is currently not a better way to show the trailers. If anyone has a better approach, please share :)


Now KingKovifor helped me out with the BBCode thing, here's a simple one, but I like it :) Works well for my music forum for artist bios, but can also work well for "meet the staff" threads, you can have things like

Some info about admin

And it would show a picture of Admin also.

you need to add this CSS to extra.css

.aBio {

and import the bbcode. Here's how mine looks. Remember to upload any images to /styles/bios/ - changable in the bbcode itself :)



Now KingKovifor helped me out with the BBCode thing, here's a simple one, but I like it :) Works well for my music forum for artist bios, but can also work well for "meet the staff" threads, you can have things like

Some info about admin

And it would show a picture of Admin also.

you need to add this CSS to extra.css

.aBio {

and import the bbcode. Here's how mine looks. Remember to upload any images to /styles/bios/ - changable in the bbcode itself :)

View attachment 9736
I'll be testing this one out today after I install rc1. This is a good look Mikey, If you don't mind I would like to customize this for another need of mine since you basically started the containing template that I would have to build for my new page element.
I'll be testing this one out today after I install rc1. This is a good look Mikey, If you don't mind I would like to customize this for another need of mine since you basically started the containing template that I would have to build for my new page element.
Sure thing, have fun with it, I wouldnt have posted it if i wanted it all to myself, it's just an idea. :)
Could someone have mercy on me and save me from reading all the BBcode threads to find the answer to this one question? Namely, is it possible yet to assign a button to a custom BBcode?
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