MG 1.1 avi and wmv upload problem


Active member
Hello, after upload files avi or wmv extension I instantly received error:

Error Info

ErrorException: fopen(/home/mukohp1o1/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory -library/XenGallery/VideoInfo/Preparer.php:21
Generated By: Unknown Account, A moment ago

Anyone knows what could be the cause of the error ?

So you see it in the attachment browser, it's not in the Gallery and you don't get an alert to say it's finished or failed? And there's no error in the error log?

From what you have said:

It is correct to appear in the Attachment Browser without a content type. At this point the video hasn't been "associated". These attachments get cleaned up automatically after 24 hours.

The file name changing, is normal. The video hasn't actually been processed at this point, but we do save it, in advance, with the mp4 extension.

Is the transcode queue empty? Does it have anything in it at all?
So you see it in the attachment browser, it's not in the Gallery and you don't get an alert to say it's finished or failed? And there's no error in the error log?

From what you have said:

It is correct to appear in the Attachment Browser without a content type. At this point the video hasn't been "associated". These attachments get cleaned up automatically after 24 hours.

The file name changing, is normal. The video hasn't actually been processed at this point, but we do save it, in advance, with the mp4 extension.

Is the transcode queue empty? Does it have anything in it at all?
yep, not any alerts or errors...
transcode queue not empty, but it not contain my uploaded avi files

my hoster installed new ffmpeg version 2.7.1
it not help for me
Oh, I made a mistake place my php 5.6 bin dir, fixed it, now xengallery send me a error alert and error in admin CP log,

Error Info
ErrorException: fopen(/home/mukohp1o1/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory - library/XenGallery/VideoInfo/Preparer.php:21
Generated By: Unknown Account, 4 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'fopen(/home/muk...', '/home/mukohp1o1...', 21, Array)
#1 /home/mukohp1o1/ fopen('/home/mukohp1o1...', 'rb')
#2 /home/mukohp1o1/ XenGallery_VideoInfo_Preparer->__construct('/home/mukohp1o1...')
#3 /home/mukohp1o1/ XenGallery_Helper_Video->finalizeTranscode(Array, '/home/mukohp1o1...')
#4 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(7) "http://"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {

transcode queue empty now.
If you have now fixed the php path issue, and the transcode queue is now empty, just try again once more.

We don't know if that error has happened as a result of some old videos being stuck in the queue.
If you have now fixed the php path issue, and the transcode queue is now empty, just try again once more.

We don't know if that error has happened as a result of some old videos being stuck in the queue.
I tested again, the error message came instantly, transcode queue empty too
If you have now fixed the php path issue, and the transcode queue is now empty, just try again once more.

We don't know if that error has happened as a result of some old videos being stuck in the queue.
Problem fixed, after attempt to execute command in ssh, I found out that one of components of ffmpeg is switched off.
rebuild ffmpeg with libvo-aacenc.

video converting work now!

Thank you Chris!

p.s. it would be fine if in the admin CP, there was information on process of converting of video.
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