Implemented An option to stop posts in a given forum from counting towards post count

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Every forum I go to has some kind of off-topic/spam section that they don't want to award posts for (because the content there isn't relevant to the board). +1 to this.
Judging by its demand in this thread I would disagree, But hey I am giving it a +1 either way

You cannot judge the need for a feature by the activity of a thread, nor the likes that are given. Most of the time people will overlook suggestions such as these or simply can't be bothered to reply or like. Not getting into with you but it's core material and should be considered.

That's my involvement finished I try to stay out of the suggestion areas nowadays but felt this shouldn't be swayed and thought of as add-on material.
You cannot judge the need for a feature by the activity of a thread, nor the likes that are given. Most of the time people will overlook suggestions such as these or simply can't be bothered to reply or like. Not getting into with you but it's core material and should be considered.

That's my involvement finished I try to stay out of the suggestion areas nowadays but felt this shouldn't be swayed and thought of as add-on material.

Please dont tell me what I can and can not do as I just came here to give my +1 for a feature to hopefully be made an ADD-ON
I'm saying it would make almost no sense as an add-on as it is just a permission, which should be a core functionality.
If you feel so strongly about it then may I suggest that you like the first post as I have noticed that you are not on the like list, A post with your support for this feature might also be helpful.

core or add-on I dont really care (just thought that an add-on might be quicker)
If you feel so strongly about it then may I suggest that you like the first post as I have noticed that you are not on the like list, A post with your support for this feature might also be helpful.

core or add-on I dont really care (just thought that an add-on might be quicker)
I had thought I liked it when it was first posted, was probably a different thread dealing with permissions.
Could really use it. I've got a forum with a section dedicated to just word games (ex: The "^<V Topic", "What are you listening to?", and "Ban the above user"). I'll make the section and enable posts, but I rather not have their post count go up.
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