Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.22

No permission to buy (€49.99)
That is probably the reason because the view is counted when the ad is visible on the screen. You can also try to use lazy loading instead.
I have certain ad packages available to members of certain usergroups., when that user is downgraded from that user group their ads still show. Is there a way to kill them, or at least notify and admin, that a downgraded user has an ad running?
Sorry for the back to back Qs, but I'm trying to get the carousel to work. I did search the thread for advice on it and I feel like I'm getting a bled of what I've read so far.

My goal is to have a single 320x100 position displayed with ads that rotate through it. I'm testing with 3 ads. I can only get all 3 to display at once and the carousel trys to rotate more in -OR- a single ad to display but the carousel doesn't not rotate more ads in.

These settings:
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 10.19.36 AM.webp

Gives me:
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 10.19.03 AM.webp
and the carousel trys to rotate blanks in

These settings:
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 10.28.09 AM.webp

Give me:
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 10.28.42 AM.webp

1 as spot as wanted, but no carousel

What am I reading wrong?
Is there a way to kill them, or at least notify and admin, that a downgraded user has an ad running?
No. Usually the ads are have an expiry date or a fixed amount of impressions/clicks so cannot disable them before that based on user group changes.
What am I reading wrong?
Your first carousel settings should work. Are you using any custom size settings? Please send me a DM so I can take a look.
Your first carousel settings should work. Are you using any custom size settings? Please send me a DM so I can take a look.

Found it:
height: 300px !important;

works now with horz slider, vert does not but thats fine

No. Usually the ads are have an expiry date or a fixed amount of impressions/clicks so cannot disable them before that based on user group changes.
I did shoot you a DM about this.
What could be the problem?
Hi, if I create banners that are bigger than the set size will the addon automatically resize them?

For example, if the package size is 300 X 250px and I create an image that is 600 X 500px, will the addon automatically resize to 300 X 250? And will that help display sharper images on 4k screens?
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