media gallery

  1. zoldos

    No matter what folder ffmpeg is in, I keep getting open_basedir error!!

    I don't need to convert any videos, I just want thumbnails and posters for mp4 uploads. I'm using PHP 8.2.13, Ubuntu 20.04, Apache, and Plesk Web Pro 18. I've tried putting the ffmpeg binary (I'm to understand that's all I need for thumbnails) in many different folders. Some within the...
  2. PapaTango

    MG 2.2 Another MG Thumbnail Size Issue

    After much searching for an answer and finding none, I seem to have an issue with how MG is displaying thumbnails. For whatever reason, the filmstrip on the lightbox is only showing 30x30px thumbs. At this size, they are useless, as one cannot discern the content. Here is an example (screen...
  3. O

    Media Wall Widget for XF Media Gallery

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: Media Wall Widget for XF Media Gallery - Adds a new widget to the XF Media Gallery allowing the display of a media wall. Read more about this resource...
  4. Ozzy47

    Unmaintained Media Wall Widget for XF Media Gallery 2023-04-19

    Adds a new widget to the XF Media Gallery allowing the display of a media wall. Requires the official add-on XFMG 2.2 Responsive widget recommended for wide spaces. 3 zoom out levels available to increase the number of thumbnails per line (Zoom out level will be applied to all Wall widgets)...

    MG 2.2 Add-on or solution to mirror YouTube Video (URLs) into Media category?

    I feel like I'm simply overlooking something simple here... We record a weekly video podcast, I post the video recording URL from YouTube into a dedicated forum and would like the video to automatically mirror into the designated media category. As seen in the screen shot below, I have "embeds"...
  6. S

    How to set custom permissions on viewing media items

    Hi everyone, I see that you can allow/disallow user groups to view a media gallery quite easily. However, I would like to disallow guests from viewing individual media items inside the media gallery, whilst still being able to scroll through and view the gallery as a whole. Are there any...
  7. O

    XenForo Media Gallery - FRENCH Translation [Paid]

    nicodak submitted a new resource: FRENCH Translation - Media Gallery 2.2.3 - Complete translation of xenForo Media Gallery 2.2.x to French Read more about this resource...
  8. Ozzy47

    XenForo Media Gallery - FRENCH Translation 2023-04-19

    French translation of the official XenForo Media Gallery add-on. Fully translated (ACP & Public view) Spelling and grammar verification, no word-for-word translation from google
  9. hotdoghero

    Viewable Quotas for MG

    As stated by Brogan in this thread, user quotas for the MG are not viewable without directly querying the database. As a quota limit is part of the base permissions for this addon, staff and users being able to view their current usage and maximum quota would be ideal. It seems this was...
  10. V

    [PAID] Media Gallery Customization needed - Upload to multiple categories

    I need a custom add-on to allow users to choose multiple categories while uploading created for xenForo media gallery prior to migrating from vBulletin & Photopost to xenForo. Please PM for details if you're an interested, experienced developer please.
  11. X

    Not a bug Sync media embeds

    Hi, We've started using the sync feature to show post attachments in the media gallery, it works great for pictures but it does not seem to work with embeds (e.g videos). There is an embed option in the gallery filter and I can add an embed to the gallery directly, but I would like to sync...
  12. J

    Russian Language for XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.3 Rev.2

    Full Russian Language for XenForo Media Gallery Detailed description in the file README.txt
  13. J

    XF 2.1 Media Waiting For Approval Don't Appear on Approval Queue

    All of a sudden, new media submitted by users do not appear in approval queue for super admin user! I tried submitting a new media and I got the message that it's waiting for approval but nothing is displayed at the admin side....approval queue is empty! When I copy the media (waiting for...
  14. Bradison

    Media Gallery - Is It Worth it??

    Hey all. I was about to complete my purchase of XenForo and planned on adding the Media Gallery.. But then it occurred to me that encouraging my users to create albums and upload photos would likely make a serious impact on my site's bandwidth. Sure, I can tell them to embed URLs, but that can...
  15. vFranky

    XF 2.1 Show Media Gallery space usage per user

    Hello, is there a way to check the space consumption per user, how much space in MB is actually used for a users media gallery? Perhaps an addon to do this, to generate some kind of sorted list, if it is not a functionality of XenForo. Kind regards, Frank
  16. R

    XF 2.1 Xenforo Gallery Import Failing

    Hi I am trying to import a Photopost gallery to Xenforo Media Gallery and get this error once the whole process of importing stuff has completed. Not sure how to get around it. XF\Db\DuplicateKeyException: MySQL query error [1062]: Duplicate entry 'xfmg_media-20546-360970' for key...
  17. D

    Unmaintained Dutch Language Pack - XenForo + Media Gallery 1.0.2

    Front end (forums and media gallery) is fully translated. I could have missed a few small things but nothing major, triple checked all (mod) functions. Admin cp is not fully translated because i use it in English. There are also some extra add-on translations included. If you don't want the...
  18. M

    Beta XFMG media widget type icons 1.0.0 Beta

    By default, XFMG type icons are not added to the media slider widget. This addon applies two template modifications that should add the type icons to this widget. Type icons may be undesired in the sidebar, so a third template modification is included that should still hide them only in the...
  19. WoodiE

    MG 2.1 Is RSS broken or just turned off?

    I know in the past we could just add /index.rss to the end of the Media Gallery URL and it would show a proper RSS feed. However I've noticed that is no longer the case, see here - When you view the file its contents are as follows: <?xml...
  20. M

    MG 2.1 Resize thumbnail issue

    Hello, I have a media gallery with around 350 images in it - Recently I changed the thumbnails to be a larger size, and I have an issue where no matter what, it won't resize the first 147(?!) images. If I run the thumbnail rebuild script, it does all of the newer ones, but any older than ID 158...
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