
  1. ibnesayeed

    Not planned GraphQL API for XenForo

    I am a big promoter of REST APIs (not just HTTP APIs), for which there is already a very popular feature request thread, Full native RESTful API built into XenForo. However, I have been exploring Facebook's GraphQL lately and found it very interesting and efficient in certain situations. XenForo...
  2. NinaMcI

    XF 1.5 Using an external API to publish content in a page node

    Hi, I would like to create a directory of online courses on my xf site using an external course catalog API. The catalog API is a RESTful API that uses JSON for the data exchange format I have been given access to the API documentation with the base URLs and example requests. However, I don't...
  3. ScottehBoeh

    Add-on Minecraft-based Login (Login with authenticated Mojang accounts)

    A login system that relies on users to login with their Minecraft Username/Password (mojang account). I am willing to pay for this add-on to be created.
  4. x8BiTw0LFx

    Add-on PSN user login

    Hi :) I just saw this: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/openxbl.5436/ and wondered if it's possible to do with PSN? My forum is a Playstation forum and this would be a great addition for it :) Best regards Christian
  5. wcbryant

    Implement Google's Perspective (moderation;machine learning post/user toxicity API)

    While there is already a movement to create this as a third-party addon, this would seem to fit right into the philosophy and direction of the core product and current suite of moderation and filtering controls. https://www.perspectiveapi.com/ Being able to give moderators the ability to have...

    Unmaintained OpenXBL 1.5

    About OpenXBL OpenXBL is a free to use Xbox Live API and includes friendly documentation, tutorial videos, and sample projects to get you started. What started as an example project to show the power of OpenXBL turned into a mature XenForo Add-on. With premium-like features and clean GitHub...
  7. Phantro

    Xen API or XenPorta? Coming from SMF SSI API (Wants to go for XenForo)

    Hi guys, I have an website of that is almost everything integrated by using SMF SSI. When I try to find some topic about this over here on xenforo. I have found some old posts from 2010 and 2013, and maybe these days we have something better. The most needed function is something like this...
  8. ryladine

    XF 1.5 Remote User Modifications - API or Database?

    I was wondering where everyone else stood on the matter, I'm about to build a "panic" system for my community that will allow immediate removal of a user from all systems, and I'm planning how I want to integrate Xenforo. I could do it by directly modifying the database, but I've also seen a...
  9. M

    Receive XenForo forum settings from different hostings

    Hello, We are considering XenForo for building the professional community for our software product (BPM platform). We have different community resources on different hostings (website, wiki, forum). We would like to have a integrated personal area, where each registered user have the same...
  10. Demon_skeith

    Add-on Thread starter

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to create a thread starter API based on this website: http://igdb.com/ I am aware of the TGDB Thread Starter add on, but the igdb is better indexed and set up. I am willing to pay for this mod to be made so feel free to contact me so we can...
  11. X

    XF 1.1 Which Xenforo Versions Will Support New Facebook APIs?

    We received a message from Facebook that our site "login has been making recent API calls to Graph API v2.0, which will reach the end of the 2-year deprecation window on Monday, August 8, 2016. Please migrate all calls to v2.1 or higher in order to avoid potential broken experiences." I know...
  12. TeacherMac

    Lookup of custom field using an external API

    One of the requirements for the site I'm creating is that you must must live in the USA and I plan to do that by requiring the user's postal zip code. When the user creates a post I want the zip code shown with the user's name and, when anyone views the post they can hover over the zip code to...
  13. ryladine

    External Login System

    This post was originally posted in the support section, I moved it believing this was a better place for this kind of question. I'm trying to find a way to integrate an external web application hosted under the same domain as a xenforo install into xenforo authentication system. I've looked...
  14. Rigo

    Add-on Pages with categories & eBay API

    I am looking to hire someone who can create an addon in which I can create categories/parents (which can be on a new tab with dropdown or multiple tabs) which hold sub-categories or "childs" and I can write info on it, title, descriptions, pictures, and even source code. Also, on every page...
  15. Api


  16. Coop1979

    Add-on GIF / Giphy API Integration

    GIFs are getting huge, obviously. They are becoming integrated into just about every chat app out there. Giphy has made it easy to implement their API into an application like XenForo, using their API docs here: https://github.com/Giphy/GiphyAPI I propose an add-on that would integrate the...
  17. John L.

    Add-on Xenforo Game Server Listing via gameMe [PAID]

    Looking for an addon devleoper who would be interested in helping me create an addon. I can handle putting together the templates (which I already have examples done with CSS finished) and I need a developer to work on hooking into the gameMe API to list our the server information. I can get...
  18. R

    Do XenForo have a REST API for other systems to integrate with?

    I'm primarily thinking about Resources. Lookup, searching, simple queries. Do XenForo have this? Or will it be possible to make an addon that can do this?
  19. Teapot

    Implemented Enhanced CLI Tools

    A lot of development is moving beyond the tools found in yesteryear - developers are often using tools like continuous integration services (Jenkins,Bamboo, etcetera), build tools (Grunt, Gulp, etcetera), automation/deployment tools (Puppet, Chef, Capistrano, etcetera), and so much more to work...
  20. xfrocks

    Unmaintained [bd] API 1.6.3

    [bd] API Power up your XenForo installation. [FEATURES] 1. Authentication with OAuth 2.0 2. RESTful API fully documented https://github.com/xfrocks/bdApi/blob/master/docs/api.markdown 3. Flexible, easy to extend for your need 4. Open source: https://github.com/xfrocks/bdApi Demo...
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