XenFacil's Quote - Quote with avatar and more

Unmaintained XenFacil's Quote - Quote with avatar and more 9.0a

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.1
  2. 1.2
  3. 1.3
  4. 1.4
  5. 1.5
Only XenForo Users
Visible branding
This add-on is based on this template modification. Thanks to all. Thanks to CyberAP and Brogan.

This add-on prevents template modifications.
Overwrite XenForo's quote.
Work with gravatars.
Added Nesting quotes (optional)
Have six options (ACP -> Home -> Options -> XenFacil's Quote):
  1. Add-on active/deactive
  2. Use template bb_code_tag_quote (of XenForo) or XenFacil_Quote (of add-on).
  3. Arrow style left, down or none.
  4. Mini-avatar on header quoted.
  5. x_said phrase replacement (or not) by female gender purpose.
  6. XenFacil Expand (with button) or XenForo 1.2 Expand.
  7. Active o deactive nesting quotes.
  8. Show quoted attached images as images instead of "See attachment xxx" link.
  1. Avatar
    1. It can quote with avatar
    2. The avatar can be down or left with an arrow pointing to it.
    3. Avatar can go on header tag quote.
    4. It can quote without avatar, with arrow left or below pointing.
    5. It's possible quote by XenForo default
    6. Support gravatar
  2. Nested quotes
    1. It can activate / deactivate on ACP -> Options -> XenFacil's Quote
    2. It cans set the nested depth, from no to an unlimited nesting. Its purpose is to prevent the nesting overflow that makes unreadable quotes.
  3. Attachments Images
    1. It can activate / deactivate to see attachments images instead of "See attachment xxx" link.
  4. Expand
    1. Start height configurable (style properties).
    2. Expand/collapse by button.
    3. Box quote configurable into Style Properties
Demo on http://demo.xenfacil.com/threads/quote-de-xenfacil.1/



  1. Unzip tha file XFQv2.2.zip on your PC.
  2. Upload content of upload folder to your root XenForo installation.
  3. ACP -> Home -> Add-ons -> List of add-ons -> + Install New Add-on -> Select file on you PC -> Select addon-XenFacil_quote.xml file on your PC -> Install.
  4. Enjoy.
  5. Chris Demings install and upgrade add-on compatible.
  1. Unzip tha file .zip on your PC.
  2. Upload content of upload folder to your root XenForo installation.
  3. ACP -> Home -> click on Xenfacil's Quote of add-ons list.
  4. Select file on you PC -> Select addon-XenFacil_quote.xml file on your PC-> Update.
  5. Enjoy
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First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Fix a language error

    Control panel is in spanish. This version fix this and control panel in now in english. salud2
  2. Fixing minor bug

    Thanks to @Apt Irrelevance for send it here. No needed upload files. Only need edit the...
  3. Fix a little bug

    Fix a bug where where it is cited without mentioning anyone, not headed and the option to expand...

Latest reviews

Thank you!!!!
Very cool stuff!
Quote in a quote in a quote in ...
Thank you in thank you in... :)
Works perfectly.
Awesome! :)
Excelente publicación, gracias por el esfuerzo.
Very nice and well thought out. Great add to my forum.
Another fine product that should be included in the XenForo core. Very useful for busy threads and new members, who do not recall names, but do recall people's "faces" (avatars).
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