XenCentral Ad Server

XenCentral Ad Server 2.0.0 beta 3 rev. 2

No permission to buy (€59.99)
Q: I have installed the product, I see Manage Zones page, added a banner there but I cannot see the banner on site. What is the problem?

A: You should consider checking the following points:
  1. Product has an option to Enable/Disable it. Make sure it is enabled.
  2. Product has a feature to define "Excluded Usergroups". Make sure the option is empty or, if you have any usergroups selected, make sure you are not a member of that usergroup.
  3. If you are using Google Adsense or any other complex, JavaScript-based ad code, try to use simple text-based ad (e.g. simply enter any text in Banner Code field). If it works with simple text but does not work with a complex code, try to enable Safe Mode option for that banner.
  4. In Edit Zone page, make sure you have selected any location. If you have, try to use Find functionality of your browser and search for ad text (in case it was added but I don't see it where expected for some other reasons). The definitive way to know if the ad was loaded or not is to use Find in Page Source (use View Page Source or similar functionality of your browser).
  5. In Edit Zone page, make sure User/Date/Page criteria (including the exclusion criteria) are empty, or if you have any criteria activated, make sure they match. The best is to have them empty to be sure.
  6. Contact our Support if you fail to see your ad after checking these points.
Q: I see many files collected in internal_data/xcfw_cache directory which uses too much space. What should I do to free-up the space?

A: This addon uses cache heavily and creates file-based cache in the mentioned directory if there is no XenForo Cache configured. The addon have cleanup cron job to remove outdated files from the directory, but sometimes the cleanup job itself times-out and files get collected more and more. Try the following in the order mentioned here:

1. Go to Admin Panel -> XenCentral ->XenCentral Framework -> Clear Cache. If you see normal page informing that the cache was cleared that means all files are deleted now. However, files may get collected again in feature.

2. If the above pages times-out that means the number of files in the directory is more than can be handled by PHP and directory should be removed manually via SSH. Ask your host support to remove the directory.

3. When the directory is finally removed it is highly recommended to setup XenForo Cache using some server-side cache extension - APC/XCache/Memcached. Only this way you will avoid all problems with growing cache in future and will have best performance for serving ads.
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