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Unmaintained Simple Portal 1.1.0 RC1

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Simple Portal
by ExtraLicense

First of all, this is a free addon. Keep things fair and do not remove the copyright at the bottom of the Portal Page. If you want to do that, you can purchase the branding free option for Simple Portal here. The Branding Free option costs $20.

What does Simple Portal do?
Simple Portal is actually, as the name says, very simple. Simple Portal allows you, the admin and/or your staff, to choose what is (and what is not) displayed on the portal. There are 2 options to promote a thread to the portal:
  1. When creating a new thread, tick the option on the bottom of the page to promote to portal, or
  2. Promote an existing thread to the Portal using Thread Tools dropdown.
Simple Portal is not "linked" to a specific forum. All the content which is to be displayed on the portal is individually controlled, showing only what you want and how you want it.

Layout Options
There are currently 3 default layouts to choose from:
  1. 1 column
  2. 2 columns
  3. 2 columns with a featured item (1st thread will span 100% over 2 columns)
And yes, pagination is supported.


Display Options
  • If you only have 1 column, the Display Order shall be 1 - 2 - 3 - ...
  • If you have 2 columns, you can give 2 Portal Posts the same number, they shall appear next to eachother. 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - ...
  • If you have 2 columns and a featured item, you must have 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - ...
Which Message Components can I control?
You can choose to display certain info regarding the thread to further customize the look. Here is a list of them:
  1. Show Avatar (+ option to make it larger)
  2. Show Author
  3. Show View Count
  4. Show Date
  5. Show Comment Count
  6. Show Attachment image and control the position and size of the attachment
  7. And limit the amount of characters that are shown for each thread as well as how many threads are shown per page.
The first 6 items can be changed in the style poperties, the last one in the options menu.
Can I see a demo?
Yes! You can choose between the normal layout and the 2 columns layout. Just change the style.

How to Install?
  1. Upload the content of the ZIP file to your XenForo Installation.
  2. Install the provided XML
  3. Go to the Admin Control Panel and set the Permissions (Users -> User Group Permissions -> General Permissions -> Promote to Portalpage)
  4. Start promoting threads and enjoy Simple Portal!
  • @Steve F for helping us with the design of the portal page!
  • @jonsidneyb for helping with the fund
This is the first release of Simple Portal, and expect many, many more to come with a lot of new features.
If you find any bugs, come and report them as soon as possible!
categories.webpScreen Shot 2013-07-06 at 5.59.30 PM.webp
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1.1.0 RC1

    It's RC time:) Changehistory: Permission Issue fix Several Content Type Handler Code optimizations
  2. Version 1.1.0 Beta4

    New Features "Create new ... " Overlay included Implemented some template hooks for better...
  3. Simple Portal 1.1.0 Beta 3 for XenForo 1.2

    This is beta software. It is not officially supported. We do not recommend running it in...

Latest reviews

Hi. Im very happy with Simple Portal. It just works! It easy to use and fast. Thats all I need thanks for this great addon!
Thanks Love this Portal, Simple clean and AWESOME
thx for the feedback:)
Fantastic add-on. As noted, a simple portal yet provides a great deal of display flexibility. Thank you.
AWESOME feature!
I'm a fan of your hack!
Been testing this for a few weeks now. It is really great.
Been waiting a long time for something like this. AWESOME!
Excellent addon! Thanks for all your hard work in making this addon!
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