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Unmaintained Disable Two-Step Verification (config.php)

Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.5
I often work on several local installation at home, and this verification was returned each login :mad: (even with the permission to NO)

So here's a way to stop Two-Step Verification ;)

  • In /library/config.php/, after <?php, add:
$config['enableTfa'] = false;

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I love you !!!
I change my phone and i can't login my unique account admin on website, with this i can login again !!

Thanks for this... I almost locked myself out... And I'm 100% sure I used the correct Two-Step QR, but apparently both my phones (Main and a offline two-step only phone were wrong)
Having been locked out of my own admin panel due to 2FA not working properly, this saved me. I recommend adding it to your config.php file, commented out, in case of emergency.
Quick and helpful. I had bought a new phone and copied my previous data directly over, thinking everything would be fine (I hadn't even thought of 2FA websites with Google Authenticator activated). Roughly 30 days later, I'm locked out of my account because I figured I was above needing to save my backup codes, haha. This helped out with my XenForo installation that needed it, managed to log back in and reset my Authenticator. Time to start saving backup codes whenever they're given.
I had the same problem and that was very annoying.

I tried this and it was successful! thank you su much :)
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