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Unmaintained DFP Integration into Xenforo + Adblock detection

Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.1
  2. 1.2
  3. 1.3
  4. 1.4
  5. 1.5
Additional requirements
DFP account
Using DFP as your Ad Manager in Xenforo

What you will get out of this guide:
  • How to target specific forum nodes
  • Create manual responsive ads through DFP (not sure if they have automatic, but I much prefer the control over the sizes)
  • How to display a message to Adblock users kindly...
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First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Changes to the adblocking code

    Changed some formatting to the thread and updated the code for the Adblock message to user. New...

Latest reviews

Well done :)
Very informed guide. You put a lot of work into this. Nicely done.
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