[cXF] Icons in Visitor menu

[cXF] Icons in Visitor menu

Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
  2. 2.3
Would you like to have icons in Visitor menu like this?


Add this to your extra.less template:
/* Icons in Visitor menu */
.menu-content.js-visitorMenuBody .menu-linkRow {
    padding: 6px 5px 6px 12px;
.menu-content.js-visitorMenuBody a.menu-linkRow {...
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First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Support for XenForo 2.3

    Support for XenForo 2.3
  2. Updated for XF 2.2

    minor tweaks for XF 2.2
  3. Now it works also with non full friendly URL

    updated the code to work also with non full friendly URL

Latest reviews

Amazing, this makes the site look so much more professional and high quality. 10/10 I think it should be in the core tbh
Thank you for your review. I'm glad you like it.
Works great! Thank you. I only had to make one change which was the margin for the spacing between the icon and the word. The existing option didn't work for me. This is with a pixelexit skin.
Glad you like it and you found a solution for your style. Thank you fo your review.
Hello BassMan
I'm discovering all your free and paid addon it's just amazing. You have almost everything i was looking for since i updated to XF2.1. It's not your addons that we must bookmark it's your account ;) and your website.
Thank you !!
Hello Wilouness! Thank you for such nice review. I'm glad you find add-ons useful.
As with my other review on your other icons for account page, thanks for all of your efforts in helping all of us to improve the look and feel of our forums. You have a wide range of fantastic little tricks and hacks. This is excellent, simple yet makes a world of difference.
Thank you, Oz_Horror! I really appreciate your time to review.
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