Browser Detection (Mobile/MSIE)

Unmaintained Browser Detection (Mobile/MSIE) 1.3.3

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.1
  2. 1.2
  3. 1.3
  4. 1.4
  5. 1.5
Visible branding
Browser Detection (Mobile/MSIE)

Addon Presentation

This Addon will allow you to check if the browser is Internet Explorer or is on a mobile device.

XenForo has its own function to check if the browser is on a mobile device or not but its coding is not finished yet. This addon will add some detection features thanks to the following script "Php-mobile-detect".

This addon will also check if the browser is our beloved Internet Explorer and which is version (very useful for theme developers)


1) Upload the files in your forum directory
2) Import the addon xml file

Read me or get killed
  • If some addon requires this addon to be install, you just need to install it, that's all. No need to do anything else
  • To check how to use the new conditionals (available in templates and php using the XenForo visitor object), please read the Faq

The below paragraph was originally inside the FAQ, but the number of characters has exceeded 20 000:
For developers
If you don't want to force your user to install this addon, just use the visitor_setup listener and copy the structure of this addon. Change only the class names and the following line:
$Mobiledetect = new Sedo_DetectBrowser_Helper_MobileDetect();
You will need no more than 2 minutes to integrate inside your own addon.

Or another way to proceed:
  $visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();

  //Check if mobile
  if( class_exists('Sedo_DetectBrowser_Listener_Visitor') && isset($visitor->getBrowser['isMobile']))
  //External Addon
  $isMobile = $visitor->getBrowser['isMobile'];
  $isMobile =  XenForo_Visitor::isBrowsingWith('mobile');
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

More resources from cclaerhout

Latest updates

  1. Version 1.3.3 released

    Version 1.3.3 released Update to MobileDetect 2.8.19. New devices detected: Mobile Wiko...
  2. Version 1.3.2 released

    Version 1.3.2 released Addon updated with the version 2.8.11 of the MobileDetect class Faq...
  3. Version 1.3.1 released (reuploaded)

    Version 1.3.1 released Main array structure modified to be sure to have all keys Thanks to...

Latest reviews

This addon is useful to hide some content from mobile users (for example hiding ads).

Using CSS to hide the ads is not "correct" because the mobile browser still loads the ads initially anyway.
This is by far the best addon for mobile/tablet detection!
I had problems beacuse of the ads in my website were too big for mobile but about the size for tablets, using this I could set conditionals and change my ad size for cellphones!
Please don't stop development :)
Thanks a lot
Great Addon. I love it.
Nice add-on
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