Daniel Hood
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  • Wrote an add on (Proxy Log Referrals) last August.. just now releasing it... smh
    It probably should be obvious by the name but what exactly does it do?
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    In XenForo 1.3 they introduced the image and link proxy. You can see a log of all the content in your proxy system but you can't see where it's being generated/embedded. My add on logs the referring url so you can see the url that the image or link is placed.

    (Helps you find where a bad link or image is being clicked or viewed from).
    ahh...so you extended the existing system for referrals as well, nice.
    Hope you had a nice Christmas, Daniel.

    I stayed home all day doing the usual: playing games and browsing the Internet.
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    I did have a nice Christmas. Thanks for asking. Traveled to see family, had to bounce between my parents, grandparents, and my fiance's parent's house. Good time. No time for games or the internet though lol.
    You certainly had a busy day, haha!

    But yeah, I mean, it's not that I dislike family, I'm just not that big on get-togethers (even when it's just three people, including me and my mom), and now that I'm 23 I should be able to decide if I want to go or not.

    It's kind of hard to explain.
    SOTHANKFUL - Enter the coupon code "SOTHANKFUL" on http://xenmods.com when checking out and get 25% off your cart price! 15 person limit!
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    Reactions: AdamD
    looks like the discount has been factored into those over priced addons...
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Excuse me?
    Mike Edge
    Mike Edge
    Don't pay him no mind Daniel.. He gets jealous over anyone that can charge decent money because they offer a quality product. He still posts in almost every thread that recommends my hosting services. Which he canceled service almost 2 years ago and haven't owned xF host for almost a year.
    I've used Twilio's texting rather consistently for the past year or more.
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    Reactions: Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Isn't the dedicated number kind of expensive? (I haven't looked into their pricing for the extras like that too much).
    The number is $1/month and texts are $0.0075 per.
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Ah, I was thinking the short code number which is significantly more lol.
    Thought I'd let you know of a typo in your signature: "responsibilites of Syndo's Addons"

    Missing an L after the O in Syndol. :)
    Hello, are you available for custom work?
    I can assure you that my account limitation doesn't have anything to do with me being an honest and moral full person. Anyway I understand you, no problem. Thanks anyway!!
    Liam W
    Liam W
    I can vouch for @Super120 @Daniel Hood if you need it, I've created custom work for them in the past & still am.
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    It's more that I really don't have time available to do it right now. Sorry @Super120
    @Daniel Hood , I see you have taken over Syndol's add-ons. You've said that people who have bought the add-ons will be supported long-term. Will you be improving the add-ons? :-)
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Hello, thank you for reaching out. As part of me taking over the add ons there will now be a yearly renewal fee (not required until the first update I post with new features). I do intend to answer questions, fix bugs, and implement suggestions (obviously I can't implement every single suggestion but my goal is to improve the add-ons). :)
    Are you available for custom work? I need some simple add-ons coded, please let me know. Thanks.
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Not at the moment. I'm swamped in projects. Sorry.
    Somehow 1.4 being announced and released has made everyone revert back to infancy. My one year old son is less childish than some of you.
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    I'm sure you can post in any board and have someone help you make the change you're wanting. Just because that's how you want it, doesn't mean it needs to be like that in the core.

    Please note I'm saying "you" not as a specific reference to you, you haven't irritated me by any means.
    All posts reported for not being very innovative.
    hmm just noticed you can't like individual profile posts only the op. Thought i could on my forum.. Maybe im using a plugin.
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