Recent content by dmnkhhn

  1. dmnkhhn

    MG 1.1 best way to migrate media from vBulletin Plug-in

    Thanks Chris, that's what I thought. :cautious: Oh well, let the fun begin. :cool:
  2. dmnkhhn

    MG 1.1 best way to migrate media from vBulletin Plug-in

    Hello guys, we are currently converting our vBulletin to XenForo and most of the things already work. (y) We have also bought the Media Gallery to replace a custom vBulletin Plug-in called vBgarage which our users used to create a "garage" for each of their cars, post a description and upload...
  3. dmnkhhn

    Nginx server configuration for XenForo

    Hey guys, I know the topic "XenForo running on Nginx" has been discussed before but there were little to no information on a actual running setup. My current situation: vBulletin 3.8, lots of (old) plugins, some custom plugins, lots of changes to individual templates, vBSEO, outdated style...
  4. dmnkhhn

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    Hey guys, the redirect script is working perfectly, thanks a lot! Problem is (or maybe it's not a problem at all?!): we are using vBSEO and our Google search results are using the rewritten Urls which basically makes the redirects of this script useless. Would you guys rewrite the vBSEO Urls...
  5. dmnkhhn

    Trying to purchase license - paypal error

    Did you do anything to fix it? I am having the exact same problem ATM.
  6. dmnkhhn

    Executive // [Paid]

    Hey guys, what's up with your website? My Chrome reports "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN" when I am trying to load it. :-)
  7. dmnkhhn

    Lack of interest set Google Maps default region

    Hey guys, I like the fact that the location of a user is automatically linked to Google Maps. My members are using a German ZIP code but because of a missing region Google Maps tries to find their ZIP code in the US. I could ask them to add ", Deutschland" to their ZIP but most of my members...
  8. dmnkhhn

    Hotspots by Waindigo [Deleted]

    No no, I like the fact that it's just a single map. :D Thanks for your work, it's going to replace something I made for my vBulletin ages ago. :whistle:
  9. dmnkhhn

    Hotspots by Waindigo [Deleted]

    Does it display a single map with all hotspots or does each user have an own map on his profile page?
  10. dmnkhhn

    So who's going to migrate their LIVE site to 1.2

    I've already imported a clone of my productive vB 3.7 database and things went surprisingly well. As soon as XenForo 1.2 is out I'm going to retire our beloved vB that's been with us for so many years now. The step from XenForo 1.1 to XenForo 1.2 is minor on the paper but I was delighted how...
  11. dmnkhhn

    Fixed Missing Space

    We have, in theory, several options here: Make the font size smaller Use overflow: ellipsis; -> Use white-space: nowrap; Use hyphens: auto; -> only in modern browsers -> From what I see there is no space...
  12. dmnkhhn

    XF 1.2 Breadcrumbs

    It should be: * { -webkit-border-radius: 0 !important; -moz-border-radius: 0 !important; border-radius: 0 !important; } Some browsers still need their own prefix. :rolleyes:
  13. dmnkhhn

    Fixed Missing Space

    The same happens to the username next to a post. Some members have the last letter of their name in a new line.
  14. dmnkhhn

    Back from the dead. Again.

    Back from the dead. Again.
  15. dmnkhhn

    Xenforo 1.2 Beta 5 Discussion

    I just renewed my license and played around with beta 5 a bit. <3 It's time for us to dump vBulletin in favor of XenForo. (y)
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